Info about future beyond April '09
Hi all!
Note: I am not QQ about GW2 launch (comes when it comes), GW1 end of life span (still got things to to) or whatever so, pleeeease dont flame me for thaat without read. Ty iA.
According to Zaishen reward calendar (tonics calendar) on
we only get Tonics till april '09 (15th of april or so on when the last tonic appears).
There's any info about what will happen beyond that date? I mean, we will get another calendar just copy-paste? we would get no updates of that kind? No events?
Additionally (bit OT), I heard about some new quest a few months ago, discussed here from an interview with a member of GW staff that will add some lore (there was a "discussion" about "hum...lore" or "explore" in the transcription here, cant find the right thread now). I though that they were planned to be launched on january '09 (now haha). No sign of life from those quests?
Ty for your time a/o answers :P
Note: I am not QQ about GW2 launch (comes when it comes), GW1 end of life span (still got things to to) or whatever so, pleeeease dont flame me for thaat without read. Ty iA.
According to Zaishen reward calendar (tonics calendar) on
we only get Tonics till april '09 (15th of april or so on when the last tonic appears).
There's any info about what will happen beyond that date? I mean, we will get another calendar just copy-paste? we would get no updates of that kind? No events?
Additionally (bit OT), I heard about some new quest a few months ago, discussed here from an interview with a member of GW staff that will add some lore (there was a "discussion" about "hum...lore" or "explore" in the transcription here, cant find the right thread now). I though that they were planned to be launched on january '09 (now haha). No sign of life from those quests?
Ty for your time a/o answers :P
After April, so in May, tonic will repeat again, means Z chest will be dropping phantasmal tonic again

they are gonna repeat the previous tonics again
What a ... cr#p, isnt it?
Nowadays we got some... "surprise" as the new tonic is revealed. If repeated... bah, not the same.
Not a surprise to me if anet does that.
Nowadays we got some... "surprise" as the new tonic is revealed. If repeated... bah, not the same.
Not a surprise to me if anet does that.
I pwnd U
Lame... but I guess they, ANet, can only be so creative.
Spaced Invader
From the official site:
For an up-to-date listing of the tonics currently available, see our Zaishen Rewards Calendar. Is there a tonic from a previous month that you just can't live without? Don't worry! The tonic schedule will repeat each year, so if you've missed one of your favorites, simply wait for the Zaishen Chest to carry it again. |
Eddie Frenzy Spam
Sorry if I missed something here but when did ANET say that they were going to repeat the tonics when April came around again? I was lead to believe that, that was mere speculation on the forums.
Can anyone provide links to where this was said?
Ah, thanks a lot.
Can anyone provide links to where this was said?
Ah, thanks a lot.
I expect a dissapointed bunch of people that hope for something when they read the title of the thread lol
I wasthinking when the calander was first announced that something will be released on April. I thought it would be nice as its a sorta anniversary to when they announced it. It also will be funny as April the first is April fools.
the way ive always thought things would happen is that a charr tonic is left aswell as the final which would be a sylvari.
I wasthinking when the calander was first announced that something will be released on April. I thought it would be nice as its a sorta anniversary to when they announced it. It also will be funny as April the first is April fools.
the way ive always thought things would happen is that a charr tonic is left aswell as the final which would be a sylvari.
Voodoo Rage
They should "tweak" the new tonic (make the character a different color or something) so that the "old model" tonics retain some uniqueness.
Shayne Hawke
I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with another similar year-long scheme a few months after the cycle repeats.
From the official site:
I believe the post 2 above has it put best. Since this months was a Asuran I figure febuary's tonic will be a dwarf marches tonic to be a charr then aprils to be a sylvarie and in april the open beta release of gw2. a 6 -8 month beta on gw 2 would give anet ample time to A. Make the game more appealing after the community is involved or b. Mess it up. But I beleive they are leading up to a release. I have always though that the last 4 tonics would be playable races in gw2 just to show the community what chars can look like in gw2 and I even speculated on another forum topic when tonics first came out that the last 4 tonics would be asuran, dwarf, charr, sylvarie and as of right now it has been/
Spaced Invader
I believe the post 2 above has it put best. Since this months was a Asuran I figure febuary's tonic will be a dwarf marches tonic to be a charr then aprils to be a sylvarie and in april the open beta release of gw2. a 6 -8 month beta on gw 2 would give anet ample time to A. Make the game more appealing after the community is involved or b. Mess it up. But I beleive they are leading up to a release. I have always though that the last 4 tonics would be playable races in gw2 just to show the community what chars can look like in gw2 and I even speculated on another forum topic when tonics first came out that the last 4 tonics would be asuran, dwarf, charr, sylvarie and as of right now it has been/
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for release before 2011, probably even 2012-13.
It has been in development for (most likely less than) one and a half year.
A proper MMO needs 3-5 years of development.
We can be glad if we get first screenshots or info by the end of 2009. But the beginning of Beta in 4 months is nothing but wishful thinking.
romeus petrus
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for Beta before 2010.
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for release before 2011, probably even 2012-13. It has been in development for (most likely less than) one and a half year. A proper MMO needs 3-5 years of development. We can be glad if we get first screenshots or info by the end of 2009. But the beginning of Beta in 4 months is nothing but wishful thinking. |
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for Beta before 2010.
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for release before 2011, probably even 2012-13. It has been in development for (most likely less than) one and a half year. A proper MMO needs 3-5 years of development. We can be glad if we get first screenshots or info by the end of 2009. But the beginning of Beta in 4 months is nothing but wishful thinking. |
NCSoft's guild wars representative already said in the NCSoft investor conference call (which you can listen to if you go to the ncsoft site) that they are aiming for a holiday 2009 release.

I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for Beta before 2010.
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for release before 2011, probably even 2012-13. It has been in development for (most likely less than) one and a half year. A proper MMO needs 3-5 years of development. We can be glad if we get first screenshots or info by the end of 2009. But the beginning of Beta in 4 months is nothing but wishful thinking. |
However, I wouldn't be surprised if we get the "it'll be done when it's done" slogan as many Anet founders are former blizzard employees.
Aera Lure
If so, it will be rushed/recycled/incomplete/unbalanced. Spaced Invader is right that 3-5 years is a good range of time for the development cycle of an MMO, or a game that closely follows that paradigm. I'd lean towards 4-5 myself. Two years is a little too thin.
Orange Milk
If they want a Holiday 2009 release then closed Beta should have started sometime around yesterday. Open beta may-july then fixits until, maybe a handfull of the closed betas coming back in the few months before release for more testing and bug fixes.
Late and short betas = effed up game at release
Late and short betas = effed up game at release
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for Beta before 2010.
I do not believe that GW2 will be ready for release before 2011, probably even 2012-13. It has been in development for (most likely less than) one and a half year. A proper MMO needs 3-5 years of development. We can be glad if we get first screenshots or info by the end of 2009. But the beginning of Beta in 4 months is nothing but wishful thinking. |
Do you have a source for that figure?
Nightfall was released in October 2006, and the announcement that they would be making EOTN and GW2 instead of Utopia came in early 2007. Now, with the original plan of staggered releases, the even-numbers team would have started work on Utopia at or around April 2006 at the earliest. Even if they'd decided to switch to GW2 almost immediately, that still wouldn't have put them at 3 years of development now, and it would only have been half the companies development team until after the release of Nightfall.
I'd consider it more likely that they didn't make the switch until sometime after Nightfall's release - after all, a lot of the completely new content in EOTN was corralled from Utopia (and the rest is preparation for GW2). I'd probably guesstimate that GW2 started serious work around now-ish 2007 or late 2006, giving it about two years of development. And as Eagle has stated, companies generally don't announce things until they've been developing them for a while... however, ANet was essentially forced into announcing early to explain why they weren't releasing other things (even then they may have held off until the questions about why we weren't hearing about Chp4 started getting too loud).
That said, I would be expecting to hear more about it this year.
Nightfall was released in October 2006, and the announcement that they would be making EOTN and GW2 instead of Utopia came in early 2007. Now, with the original plan of staggered releases, the even-numbers team would have started work on Utopia at or around April 2006 at the earliest. Even if they'd decided to switch to GW2 almost immediately, that still wouldn't have put them at 3 years of development now, and it would only have been half the companies development team until after the release of Nightfall.
I'd consider it more likely that they didn't make the switch until sometime after Nightfall's release - after all, a lot of the completely new content in EOTN was corralled from Utopia (and the rest is preparation for GW2). I'd probably guesstimate that GW2 started serious work around now-ish 2007 or late 2006, giving it about two years of development. And as Eagle has stated, companies generally don't announce things until they've been developing them for a while... however, ANet was essentially forced into announcing early to explain why they weren't releasing other things (even then they may have held off until the questions about why we weren't hearing about Chp4 started getting too loud).
That said, I would be expecting to hear more about it this year.
GW2 isnt being built totally from scratch. they are using a modified gw1 engine, and no doubt many current features and code as well.
considering what they were able to produce in a year with the expansions, which rival the original game in terms of size, maybe they are further ahead with things than we think. or should be.
also consider the full anet team (100+) are working on it (minus 2 for the live team) when expansions only had 50%.
they need to start building anticipation of the new title, release regular updates and possibly hire a community manager who interacts with the players.
considering what they were able to produce in a year with the expansions, which rival the original game in terms of size, maybe they are further ahead with things than we think. or should be.
also consider the full anet team (100+) are working on it (minus 2 for the live team) when expansions only had 50%.
they need to start building anticipation of the new title, release regular updates and possibly hire a community manager who interacts with the players.
I nominate Gaile Gray for that position and would like to add that the community should really wait until at least april for some possible GW2 news.
Nomme Moon
I nominate Gaile Gray for that position and would like to add that the community should really wait until at least april for some possible GW2 news.
As much as I really, REALLY hate to get my own hopes up, I believe the Asura tonic is a sign of good things to come. I kinda believe that we'll see a Charr tonic, then perhaps a dwarven tonic, and in April I wouldn't be surprised if we get GW2 details with a Sylvari tonic.
Rehnahvah Gahro
If the next tonic is a charr or dwarf then I'd be really excited. That would be the only hope that things are slowly coming to a close. I expect at least some information by the time of April, 4th Birthday Celebration.
Otherwise I have no hopes of GW2 being released in '09.
Otherwise I have no hopes of GW2 being released in '09.
Gun Pierson
To be honest, I think 3 years is still a short amount of time to develop a game like gw2. Sure they will use existing code. Yet this isn't packman we're talking about. Check out some of the devs forums out there and you'll discover that games became really complex these days and many unforseen problems can arise.
I wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait another two years, until then the tonics will prolly repeat like they stated.
I wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait another two years, until then the tonics will prolly repeat like they stated.
Lycan Nibbler
To quote Regina from her journal page on wiki (a post dated 9th Jan 2009)
"We're going to be releasing some news to give you an idea of what we have in store for GW1 this year. Look for that soon. I think people will be very excited about what we're working on..."
So to use a poplar saying "the news(truth) is out there"... just got to wait a few more days
"We're going to be releasing some news to give you an idea of what we have in store for GW1 this year. Look for that soon. I think people will be very excited about what we're working on..."
So to use a poplar saying "the news(truth) is out there"... just got to wait a few more days
Actually GW2 could have been in development well before Nightfall was released. Otherwise they have a bunch of people being paid to do nothing; concept artist, story developers, etc... It all depends on how far into the planing phase before they decided to bastardize Utopia and switch to GW2.
I am not even going to guess when GW2 will come out but I have to agree with Orange the longer in closed/open beta the better chance we have at a good game (depending on if they listen to the beta testers).
I am not even going to guess when GW2 will come out but I have to agree with Orange the longer in closed/open beta the better chance we have at a good game (depending on if they listen to the beta testers).
To quote Regina from her journal page on wiki (a post dated 9th Jan 2009)
"We're going to be releasing some news to give you an idea of what we have in store for GW1 this year. Look for that soon. I think people will be very excited about what we're working on..." So to use a poplar saying "the news(truth) is out there"... just got to wait a few more days |
Oh, and of course the major overhaul, which also didn't happen.
Lycan Nibbler
I think you'll find theyve been doing a little testing on the QT anyway - anyone remember the (excuse the bad description) card dealt skillset 2v2 at the event anet attended last summer? I am pretty sure they were testing out that concept for GW2.
Like Shayne, I am not going to guess either - Im still happy messing around in GW1 ... I think next time though I'll go into pvp straight away to avoid the catch up.
Like Shayne, I am not going to guess either - Im still happy messing around in GW1 ... I think next time though I'll go into pvp straight away to avoid the catch up.
Actually GW2 could have been in development well before Nightfall was released. Otherwise they have a bunch of people being paid to do nothing; concept artist, story developers, etc... It all depends on how far into the planing phase before they decided to bastardize Utopia and switch to GW2.
Either way, though, they couldn't have started earlier than April '06, which was less than three years ago.

Originally Posted by slowerpoke
considering what they were able to produce in a year with the expansions, which rival the original game in terms of size, maybe they are further ahead with things than we think. or should be.
Smurf Minions
Reminds me of Gaile's December 2007 quote about all the exciting stuff concerning GW2 that would be disclosed in 2008, and which never happened.
Oh, and of course the major overhaul, which also didn't happen. |
for my feeling we're going to get some news in atleast something like april, and maybe beta in like the summer holidays or something
Stupid Shizno
gw2 is just a hoax to keep players playing gw1
whoops, now anet is going to kill me
whoops, now anet is going to kill me
Lord of kryta
Hi Shoyon:
I am sorry that cannot respond to your questions regarding GW2 with information, because we are not permitted to talk about it at this time. Development on GW2 is continuing. ...*snip*... I will convey your desire to see GW2 information to our team. The entire community team has been pushing for them to release information for months now, but our strategy is to make a "big splash" to really impress people. I'm sorry that this doesn't give you anything to go on, but I will definitely let the developers know how you feel. Regards, Regina |
Black Metal
good work, shoyon.
also thanks to arduinna, wish those juicy dev tidbits were more accessible. I can't wait to hear what they have in store for GW1 this year. They really need to keep interest up until the big GW2 'splash', though I really hope it's not another BMP-type thing that's play once and forget about.
also thanks to arduinna, wish those juicy dev tidbits were more accessible. I can't wait to hear what they have in store for GW1 this year. They really need to keep interest up until the big GW2 'splash', though I really hope it's not another BMP-type thing that's play once and forget about.
Konig Des Todes
I believe the post 2 above has it put best. Since this months was a Asuran I figure febuary's tonic will be a dwarf marches tonic to be a charr then aprils to be a sylvarie
As such, I believe/hope that it will be more along the lines of:
Those are probably the overall most wanted tonics, and the Charr would finish the race scheme where models already exist. Tengu are highly liked as are Mursaat (Mursaat even have their own annual community made event afterall).
I won't bother guessing when GW2 will be out, but I'm 99.9% possitive it is not "vaporware" - due to both the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) that just about every gaming company goes under and that it is highly possible that they started working on it around the release of Nightfall, as both R.Shayne and draxynnic have said.
It really depends on how thorough they are and how easy the programming goes. Fewer bugs in the beginning means sooner it comes out, obviously. If there are minimal bugs, it can come out (not just beta, the actual game) in 09 for sure, with many bugs, it may take until 2015.
I remember one of the founders commented that their biggest fear was trying to get persistence using the Guild Wars engine, but it actually turned out far easier than they thought. This was near the beginning...
Lycan Nibbler
Quote "but our strategy is to make a "big splash" to really impress people." <-- This
You dont see music stars or file stars pushing a new song/film until just before its release, same should go for a game. Little to nothing is gained by pushing and marketing a game a year before its actual release, the attention span of the world is much less these days.
This is why I am happy with no info about GW2, because I know when it does come out, it will be close to being in my hands and playing
You dont see music stars or file stars pushing a new song/film until just before its release, same should go for a game. Little to nothing is gained by pushing and marketing a game a year before its actual release, the attention span of the world is much less these days.
This is why I am happy with no info about GW2, because I know when it does come out, it will be close to being in my hands and playing