Temp ban wiki questions

warrior running

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2008

The Cape Is A Lie[Trim]


Many people ask simple questions on guru that could easily be answered in 1 minute in wiki...I believe they should be given a warning them temporaily banned if they do it again


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

We have a great Q&A section that is specifically designed for questions from new players. Wiki's are very hard to search and find answers on. They are not designed for opinions or conversations and our forums can provide that discussion if there are varying opinions. We have an appropriate forum for these questions and the majority of our forum users are indeed more then happy to answer these simple questions in our Q&A forum and help out the new players. Please do not discourage that.

Yang Whirlwind

Yang Whirlwind

~ Retired ~

Join Date: Nov 2005

Copenhagen, Denmark (GMT +1)


Information gathering in the Internet is a skill not all people have developed to the same degree.
Please try to be patient and helpful to those that ask for help.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Simple information requests in Riverside or Campfire should be reported so that they can be closed. Q&A is for the reasons stated above by Inde.