Originally Posted by chilllax
Have nothing better to do, and still have plenty of time to find a partner, but, you know, in Real life. And atleast I don't steal my character names right from games (Unreal championship 2 -- Has Empress Selket too)
Also i doubt I have a reason to be jealous of someone willing to marry in a game. Pretty sure there is a reason she is even willing to go through with this [uggo]
We wanna be a part of a heist, and there's something else we want, more than the heist, more than the sex, we'd love to have a monkey. A pet monkey. And people get mad; there's always that one anti-monkey guy in the area who's like, "Excuse me, I overheard you saying that you'd like to have a monkey, and that's a horrible idea. You do not want a monkey. " They're a monkey expert, and they start listing off all the reasons you can not have a monkey. "Let me tell you a few things, if I could. If I could just tell you a few things about monkeys. that you don't know before you jump to your conclusion. Ok, it's more than just bananas and dancing with toothbrushes, ok? First of all, they crap in their hands, and throw it around in a festive manner, in a celebration of monkey poop. They make faces that are unacceptable in human society."
And I hear these things, and I'm like, "That's why I want a monkey, all those reasons." I don't want a nice, little quiet monkey. I want an evil monkey, that I can dress in armor, give him a sword, have fights with him inside my place. How pumped would you be, driving home from work, knowing that somewhere in your house, there is a monkey that you are going to battle? That's awesome! You walk in. "AARRGGHHH (monkey noise)." "Monkey? You here? "AARRGGHH." "Where are you?" "ARRGHH, I'm in your closet." "Holy shit, you just talked!" "I know, I taught myself to talk." "This is incredibly odd." "I know, let's fight!" "OK."