As someone who's "only" been around since fall 2007, I don't see the dying in any significant sense. The problem with theQQ'ers is that you're on the left hand of the bell curve of player experience and interest. You've been around the longest, played the hardest, done the mostest, and, surprise surprise, are now finding out there aren't so many players around doing what *you* see as the game.
I do 99.9% of my playing either by myself or with my brother and some friends. I bought the game on a whim, convinced and/or bought the game for these few gaming partners that I've known and gamed with for decades, and 15 months or so into our play experiences we're still loving it and have plenty more to do. We fire up Team Speak and chat (we're all now separated by hundreds to thousands of miles), we work on what we feel like, and, crazy, we have fun. We've never defeated Mallyx, or The Underworld, or any other of the end game elite areas with the exception of Sorrow's Furnace, which was only beaten because my brother has a "thing" for minis

. We've still got character professions that we haven't begun to master, we've still got heroes in need of proper gear, we've never had so much money we had to worry about whether to sock it into ectos or lockpicks. No matter how broken, dead, imba, whatever *your* current skewed perspective is, I assure you from the p.o.v. of the people still
playing this game that there's at least a solid two years worth of content and activities. After two years, probably not so much, but just what the hell are you expecting from the amount of games and expansions that usually only equal about six to twelve months of content?
You can't judge the health of this game from your perspective. Two real life friends and heroes can do the overwhelming majority of the game's content without ever spending any more time in town than it takes to run to the necessary NPCs. Hell, if three of us want to do the same thing, we have to figure out who gets to bring what heroes, it's almost too many people involved

. We don't spend our time worrying what the ecto market is doing, or if the non-economy is "falling" more than usual, or how lame or not the title that we personally want to work towards is, we just play, and as long as there is a server to accept us when we log on, the game ain't dead.