IGN: Hinata Redears
Balth: 2mil (not UAX, but can make almost every bar)
Titles: Glad 1, Hero 2, Com 2, Z 3
Timezone: GMT -8:00 (PST)
I'm a pretty laid back guy looking for some PvP. Would love to play midline (mesmer most). Can play some frontline, not to great at calling strats. Usually work ~25h a week, random schedule (will know what I'm working the following week every Friday). Usually on 11am till I have to work, then get back on till whenever. I do have some GvG experience (around the 800 range). Currently I don't have either vent or ts so just tell me what you got and I'll get it.
American LF GvG/HA Guild
Hinata Redears