I Need Duncan The Black



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Liars Cheats And Thieves [Liars]


Looking for info/tips or physical help to kill Duncan the Black in Nm.
Please and Thank you very much.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2009

I'm from Singapore but i live in Shanghai ATM

Order of [Thay]


- Spoil Victor
- Get a Hero / Player to die next to him and spam Signet of Sorrow ( cause it automatically recharges if target foe is beside a corpse )
- It is usually best for the casters to stand in the corner by the stairs to cast
- Remember to dodge his " Spirit Rift " Skill.

- http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talkuncan_the_Black - open the link and read .

P.S. use GW Wikipedia. Its the best help you can get.

Minimized Rook

Minimized Rook

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Shadowlands Terrorists [SiT]


need this one too,all i knew was you had to swap spirits, so I did.
and after 1h44m of grumbling I gave up. No way I'm doing that one alone again.

Rothan Celt

Rothan Celt

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2008



hmz well i solo ran this guy in HM as a perma sin the touchers killed me twice but i managed to get around em eventualy and kill duncan with only 2 silver armor.

if ur a sin try it that way? or get a guildie or somthing i suppose : / but it takes some real shadowstepping to get through the touchers alive. good luck!

Minimized Rook

Minimized Rook

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Shadowlands Terrorists [SiT]


well I need it on my new main character: Condemned Rook, a necro.
So permasin is not an option unfortunately. I'll just make some builds, I kinda went in unprepared for duncan himself.

But if there is still someone who can run this at a low price (HM) then please contact me.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2009

I'm from Singapore but i live in Shanghai ATM

Order of [Thay]


Originally Posted by Minimized Rook View Post
well I need it on my new main character: Condemned Rook, a necro.
So permasin is not an option unfortunately. I'll just make some builds, I kinda went in unprepared for duncan himself.

But if there is still someone who can run this at a low price (HM) then please contact me.
read what i said on top

" - Spoil Victor
- Get a Hero / Player to die next to him and spam Signet of Sorrow ( cause it automatically recharges if target foe is beside a corpse )
- It is usually best for the casters to stand in the corner by the stairs to cast
- Remember to dodge his " Spirit Rift " Skill.

- http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talkuncan_the_Black - open the link and read .

P.S. use GW Wikipedia. Its the best help you can get. "

do some pulling and take out small groups at a time.

highlighted options are recommended for you