Originally Posted by fenix
Actually, Divine is closer to the truth than anyone else in this thread. It seems most of you are the type of people he mentioned, the bad players who assume it takes a billion years to achieve.
If I was to make a new character today, and had a couple other people to play with consistently, I imagine I could get GWAMM in 400 or so hours without much trouble, but I imagine much faster if I had a team of people constantly.
You'd have to have everything you needed to get it in that amount of time.
As for OP.
I'd agree on the mission thing around 70 hours and 120 hours Vanqushing.
Skill Hunter is something you could do during vanqushing taking away over half of the time it'd take you to get it otherwise. I'd gesture you'd have to spend around 3-4 hours getting the skills you couldn't get while vanquishing. That's a rough estimate, not counting the number of times you'd have to re-enter an area. You could spend up to another 2-5 hours in Abaddon's Mouth if you weren't lucky. So 3-10 hours for that.
Grandmaster Cartog, if you were to clear out (map wise) each zone you vanquished, would take an extra 15-25 minutes, if you have a run skill. Add another 5-15 minutes if you don't. Not counting if you missed some. So that's over 12 extra hours. With another 30 minutes for the missions you have to re-visit. If not longer. So 130 hours for vanquishing instead of 120 hour average.
I'll stick with the about 63 hours for Master of the North. I'd say 40 hours for the rep titles.
Sweet and Party assuming you had the items needed, would take around 30 minutes for both with clicking, maybe 35 unless you had one of those handy turbo things. If you didn't have the items and had to buy them, but had the money...add anywhere from 1-20 hours looking for the items. If you didn't have the money add anywhere from 10-60 hours farming the money for them. So Sweet and Party take anywhere from 35 minutes up to 40 hours.
Drunkard is the same in the money department.
Survivor wouldn't take more than 3-4 hours at the most if you did it separate.
So overall that's about 320hours minimum if you do have all that you need and up to 600-700 hours if you don't have the money. I'd guess the average player would get it in about 700 hours, seeing as the average player wouldn't be able to stand farming money for more than 1-3 hours a day if that, and wouldn't have the money needed.
But yeah the Skill title is something that is going to kill time for you whether you want it to or not. Same with map title although it's a lot faster now than when the title first came out. Good thing Jade Quarry is played now, which means you also don't have to wait up to a week to get that going.