A new 'event' similar to the April Fools pranks. On Groundhog Day (Feb. 2) Anet could mess with us a little in the style of the movie starring Bill Murray. In the movie, he repeats the same day over and over again. Although many people already skip cutscenes, I think it would be funny for cutscenes to repeat until all players skipped it.
For the newer people watching a cutscene for the first time, this would cause them to wonder what was happening. Then, when it repeated, they would be hesitant to skip thinking they may miss something important. And since you can't talk to them until the cutscene ends, people would be trying to pull thier hair out.

On a related not, I had an amusing idea for this years April Fools day as well. We already had the sex change and stick man figures, so we need something new. PvP players wouldn't notice this, but those using heroes and henchmen would for sure.
"Terrorweb Dryder drops a Glob of Ectoplasm, reserved for Olias."
"Forest Minotaur drops a Vial of Black Dye, reserved for Alesia."
Have every monster that would drop something for a hero/hench drop a RARE item, and make it display what was dropped in the chat log. Item wouldn't show up on the ground, because hero/hench pick things up automatically. Thus, people wouldn't be able to wait 10 minutes to grab thost ecto and black dye.