Building a Computer



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Hey guys, I'm looking to make a mid-range gaming computer with a budget of around 700 USD.

I haven't built a computer i what? 2 years and need help to get back on track with modern components.

So I'm thinking

About 160 after shipping. Probably gonna OC to about 3.5

Seems very reasonable after rebate.

Hard Drive
Speed doesn't really matter to me. I'm going to use one for gaming and OS and the other for my media.(about 100 bucks after taxes)

I have a 32bit version of XP that I'll use and probably upgrade to win7 beta(lolz)

Other Thoughts
I'm not going to plan on using Tri-sli or Crossfire for Oven-like temperatures. A single graphics card would suffice and I have a lot of fans just sitting in my drawer.

I want a motherboard that can easily be overclocked, yet cheap(I'm not sure If motherboards today exist with such words in a sentence)

I'm at about $290 right now.

I hope I can rely on you guys to help me get back into computer building :P Thanks



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

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This HDD for $5 more -

Have you seen Moriz's Buyers' Guide sticky, just above this thread?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Hm, interesting I'm looking at the 500 dollar build and I wanna know if the Motherboard will be flexible enough so I can overclock everything else.


Been reading a lot about the 9 series and this card gives a lot of bang for the buck. 159.99 (10 MIR and CoDWaW included :P)

Pretty cheap and great wattage. 89.99(40 MIR)

I'm at $540. I may just go with the "$500 setup" processor/motherboard combo.

Elder III

Elder III

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2007


I Will Never Join Your Guild (NTY)


for a $700 budget I would consider AMD CPU - it will be cheaper and you will save on your mobo price as well by going AMD. You can then use that money you saved to get a better video card, which will be a huge difference in any later games that you may wish to play.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Yeah, I'm an intel fanboi. But I'll go ahead and try AMD for this build.

Elder III

Elder III

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2007


I Will Never Join Your Guild (NTY)


do you need a Case or MOnitor? ANy peripheals?

also get DDR2 1066 ram as long as you have an AM2+ CPU (assuming you go AMD) - it's really cheap these days, esp. with rebates.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

I already have a case and I could use a new monitor. 20'' is big enough. Might go dual screen if I needa edit videos.

Already have mice and keyboard and my relative own an electronic store so they can hook me up with some nice 5.1 surround sound


Ouch! Newegg tax and shipping isn't that awesome :P

Probably Final Build
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 3.1GHZ 76 Bucks

Asus m3A78-EM Micro ATX 79 bucks

EVGA GeForce 9800GTX 160 bucks (10 MIR)

OCZ GamexStream 700W 90 bucks (40 MIR)

Corsair 4gb DDR2 800mhz 56 bucks. (30 MIR)

2xWestern Digital Caviar 320gb 7200RPM 100 bucks
SUBTOTAL: 561.94
+ 40.74
+ 13.36

If you guys feel like helping, please post where I can find items cheaper.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Oh and since I'm so used to Intel CPUs, would RAM significantly increase or decrease the speed of AMD CPUs? Or maybe a slight percentage?

Celestial Crown

Celestial Crown

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by brbafkdnd View Post
I already have a case and I could use a new monitor. 20'' is big enough. Might go dual screen if I needa edit videos.

Already have mice and keyboard and my relative own an electronic store so they can hook me up with some nice 5.1 surround sound


Ouch! Newegg tax and shipping isn't that awesome :P

Probably Final Build
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 3.1GHZ 76 Bucks

Asus m3A78-EM Micro ATX 79 bucks

EVGA GeForce 9800GTX 160 bucks (10 MIR)

OCZ GamexStream 700W 90 bucks (40 MIR)

Corsair 4gb DDR2 800mhz 56 bucks. (30 MIR)

2xWestern Digital Caviar 320gb 7200RPM 100 bucks
SUBTOTAL: 561.94
+ 40.74
+ 13.36

If you guys feel like helping, please post where I can find items cheaper.
Definitely get the x2 7750 for a few dollars more. Even though it is 2.7ghz, it is about 15% clock for clock faster than older x2s and overclocks a little better. Since its am2+ it will also support 1066 ram, so maybe try to throw some corsair 1066 ram in there if its not much more expensive. Personally I would also buy a Radeon HD 4830 or 4850 in place of the 9800, but I guess either of the brands isn't that bad.

As far as ram goes, I don't think the difference between 800 and 1066 is that big. Since you will have an unlocked multiplier on the 7750, it will be easier to OC without the ram being pushed. I wouldn't say the ram really effects the CPU speed that much unless you like getting a few more points on synthetic benchmarks

Edit: Check out this cpu/mobo combo unless you're really set on the asus.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Hm, I'm thinking of getting

and maybe some cold cathode lights


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006


i heard making the inside of your computer light up doesn't improve performance. didn't you say you were on a budget? :P



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Lol I did, lights are an aesthetic necessity lol. But the fan controller is pretty nice. WHat do you guys think of that?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


You like aesthetic necessities, eh?

Check out the Geil Evo Cyclone memory cooler



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Wow that memory cooler looks awesome, but I don't plan on Ocing my ram lol


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2007

If you can reach it, I would throw the extra buck to get a 4870 (512 or 1gb) or a GTX260 (old or core 216).