End game pvp/pve progression


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hey guys I am looking to give guild wars a real go soon. I have been playing wow for years, and after all the time invested getting my characters to 80 I am really unhappy with end game pvp. Its very obvious that wow is a pve game with the pvp thrown in on the side.

I have played guild was before, but after hitting 20 my friends went back to wow so I never got to see how far gw goes in pvp. Ra seems pretty fun, and I unlocked ta which also seems cool, but I'm curious what it all leads up to and what is the main goal you work towards in gw pvp.

End game pve was pretty cool in wow, but with such bad pvp its hard to care. What happens in gw after 20? Are there raid type dungeons and stuff? I loved the missions in proph but didn't get to finish them.

Sorry for the long noobish post, I just want to hear opinions of where everything leads to before I put time into another game. Thanks in advance

P.s. Any recommendations on a prof similar to a wow druid? (High survivabiltiy, mobility, versatile etc.)



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


The game in GW really "begins" at level 20. Over 50% of the content in the first game is for level 20 players. The percentage gets even higher with the newer games.
There are dungeons and things in GW too (around... 22 or so if you count UW, FoW, Tombs, Sorrows, Urgoz, Deep, and all the ones from Eye of the North) but they aren't like WoW. Your party size is still 8 (or 12 for two of them) and its still all instanced.

Endgame PvP is organized 8v8 style PvP (where you select your party beforehand, coordinate your skills and profession, use Vent). There are two places for 8v8 PvP, Hero's Asscent and Guild Battles (GvG, guild vs guild). They have different objectives. Guild Battles are the top tier form of PvP.
There are monthly tournaments held at the last weekend of the month for both Guild Battles and Hero Battles (a sorta RA type game where people play 1 on 1 with AI).

There are also other types of PvP available in the Factions game that involve fighting between the two sides (Kurzick/Luxon). They are kinda casual like RA but involve larger teams and more complex objectives then deathmatch rules.

Try hitting the "b" button while in a town or outpost. That will open up observer mode, which will allow you to watch recent high level PvP games from some of the best guilds in the game. That will give you an idea of how intense high end PvP can be.

As for what is like a druid... I don't know a lot about WoW, but the most versatile character in GW is probablly the Ranger. They can be a RDPS class (either spike, or AoE), an interupter, a trapper, a pet class, a melee DPS class (if dual classed as a R/W or less popular a R/D, R/A), or a runner.

Or a ritualist. They are a good support healer/damage dealer hybrid kinda like a shaman.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


There are two places to go on guru for information on professions and PvP:

1. Campfire section has separate subforums for each primary profession with stickied guide covering the basics.

2. Gladiator's Arena has all the PvP subforums.

There is also the wiki http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Main_Page which covers all aspects of Guild Wars.

I will point out that a newcomer to the PvP game is at a severe handicap without the most needed skills. You can begin with buying the PvP Skill Pack or buy all campaigns and get the skills as you go through the PvE game.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Thanks for the info guys

Eragon Zarroc

Eragon Zarroc

Atra estern?? ono thelduin

Join Date: Jan 2008

Madness Incarnate



PvP consists of Random Arenas(4v4), team Arenas(organized 4v4), Heroes Ascent (organized teams 8v8), Guild vs Guild (organized guild team 8v8 with a ranking ladder), and Hero Battles(1vs1 with 3 heroes each). so there are multiple outlets of PvP depending on how ur play style is. If u love playing with other people, look into HA or GvG. If u want to just depend on urself and ur playing skills alone, go to Hero Battles. PvP in guild wars takes a long time to progress ur skill in. It isn't just who is the highest lvl or who has the best gear. it involves player skill, intelligence, and tactics. Random Arenas is a great place to just go if u want some practice or looking for some quick fighting. U have 10 proffessions to choose from and 1300-1400 skills to try in combine in such a way that it is effective against other players. PvP in guild wars is so intense that players tend to focus on either PvP or PvE. Few people play intensively in both types of gameplay. Those who are highly advanced in PvP are capable of playing mulitiple proffesions better than a lower experienced player is capable of playing a single proffesion.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

That was pretty spot on for what I was looking to find out. Hero battles sound pretty killer. I love duels in wow and that doesn't sound too far off. Mainly worried it would get repetitive but it sounds like there is plenty to do in pvp.