Canthan New Year 09
Looks like they choose the cows outside Monetary over Minotaur skins.
Edit: Don't Mention if top 100 beetle-racers get a mini beetle, have they discontinued that prize?
Looks like they choose the cows outside Monetary over Minotaur skins.
Edit: Don't Mention if top 100 beetle-racers get a mini beetle, have they discontinued that prize?
Stolen Souls
mmm, celestial steaks for all.
Please don't give us the same mask AGAIN. Please?? Pretty please?
Please don't give us the same mask AGAIN. Please?? Pretty please?
Old under disguised thread titles

Hmm.. if they aren't doing the mini bettles again, I can't say I'm upset. While they are valuable, everybody can just buy the black beast of ARGHHH instead.
Anyway, celestial ox makes sense. The mino really doesn't fit. Plus, do you really want a 3rd version of the same reskined mini?
And as for the hat.... I don't know enough about the real chinese new year to say if a new hat makes sense or not. Is a Lion/Nain mask the only thing used in RL for this event or what?
Anyway, celestial ox makes sense. The mino really doesn't fit. Plus, do you really want a 3rd version of the same reskined mini?
And as for the hat.... I don't know enough about the real chinese new year to say if a new hat makes sense or not. Is a Lion/Nain mask the only thing used in RL for this event or what?
Hmm.. if they aren't doing the mini bettles again, I can't say I'm upset. While they are valuable, everybody can just buy the black beast of ARGHHH instead.
Anyway, celestial ox makes sense. The mino really doesn't fit. Plus, do you really want a 3rd version of the same reskined mini? And as for the hat.... I don't know enough about the real chinese new year to say if a new hat makes sense or not. Is a Lion/Nain mask the only thing used in RL for this event or what? |
I found a guide to the 2008 Canthan New Year, and a specific guide to getting all the ingredients. It's a little out of date, looks like it was pre-loot scaling, but should still be handy.
The Mountain
I don't believe the notes prior to previous CNYs mentioned the zippy either. They simply awarded the winners afterward. Could be wrong tho.
I don't believe the notes prior to previous CNYs mentioned the zippy either. They simply awarded the winners afterward. Could be wrong tho.
Only the Dragon and Lion costumes are used in the dance of Chinese New Year festival. |
Mr. Undisclosed
Demize Hood~RicH
They should do Dragon Arena AT's like they did with Snowball Arena.
Yeah, it wasn't mentioned last year. But was given out nonetheless. on't see a reason for a change in rewards.
Actually there is another mask used. For lack of better descriptors, its of a very round face with rosy pink cheeks. They're dancers(usually the short guys) around the drum and the dragon. Doubt we'll ever see it in-game. |
Really? I have been doing the Dragon Dance collaboration in China Town every Chinese New Years for a few years now, and I do not recall such masks being used. Do you have a photo you can show me?
You can see a video of him here:
oo, The Laughing Buddha is just a supporting collaborator for the Lion Dance. He is only used when a particular dance requires it.
Hyper Cutter
IIRC the mini beetle was given out after the games weekend, in february/march sometime, NOT at the canthan new year. Games weekend was dragon arena, rollerbeetle, 9 rings, rings of fortune, and that worm game but no quests, masks, or any such.
Shayne Hawke
IIRC the mini beetle was given out after the games weekend, in february/march sometime, NOT at the canthan new year.
Of course, I won't be expecting them to have fixed the duplicate name issue.
As far as masks and minipets go, I've been told that the Lion Mask is going to make an appearance again, which depresses me greatly. Also, I'm hoping that any minipet given out for the festival will be a Mini Nian, and not a celestial version at that.
I hope so, since they're evidently too lazy to fix the ranking system...
Fortunately they get only one mini, but if they have multiple accts.... Looking forward to get a chance to shoot some of the usual high score people(there is only one that I have shot that has a sense of humor about it

Well it was pretty obvious they'd use an Ox skin since it is the year of the Ox.
Does that look like a cow? Does a cow have big teeth and claws? The head of a lion? What am I missing here. I feel cheated.
Yeah I'm only really upset cos I thought I would get a cute little cow to follow me around...

Thats a Nian. Didnt you notice the part that said Nian concept art by it?
This is our Ox.
I wanted an Ox skin, I wanted a nice little grass chewing cow. But hang on whats this, the new wallpaper....
![]() Does that look like a cow? Does a cow have big teeth and claws? The head of a lion? What am I missing here. I feel cheated. Yeah I'm only really upset cos I thought I would get a cute little cow to follow me around... ![]() |
Don't get your panties in a bunch. Before you started complaining you should've taken three seconds to click on the events page that's linked in the first post of this thread. A picture of the new Celestial Ox is on it. Not your Nian.
A Mini Nian would rule though. Here's hoping it's a Year 4 mini.
I'm assuming the pigs for Celestial Pig trader won't be here this year. I'm still sitting on a few extra pigs so if that trader freed up his schedule and wanted to show up, I'd probably have something for him.

Ahhh that makes me feel much better, nope never noticed the little Ox, and yes I did click the link, just missed it. Would have preferred a real ox rather than a star one (like original pig) but I guess it's asking too much.
Thanks for making my day, and untwisting my knickers
Thanks for making my day, and untwisting my knickers

so anyway...make the new year's quests repeatable like the wintersday ones...i vote for that.
I wouldn't think that would be good firework farming etc?....
Anyway not all wintersday ones are repeatable
Anyway not all wintersday ones are repeatable
But celestial ones glow nicely so you don't trip in dark areas!
Mr. Undisclosed
Because anet apparently doesn't like easy firework farming? Like last year when they made a level req on the quests so people couldnt just keep making characters to farm them.
Sir Skullcrasher
lol I thought the event starts this past weekend. I was afking all day yesterday waiting for it to start!
As for the new celestial pet, I wonder if the drop-rate for it will be the same as celestial rat from last years?
As for the new celestial pet, I wonder if the drop-rate for it will be the same as celestial rat from last years?
I'd have been much happier if it did - Australia Day public holiday would have meant I could have made the majority of the appearances without afking them.
Lol more free beetles. Superbowl is more important though.
Rocky Raccoon
You're mistaken. The first Rollerbeetles were given out at the end of the first Canthan New Year to the players with the top 100 times. Same with the Canthan New Year last year. I see no reason why such a prize would be discontinued for this event.
Of course, I won't be expecting them to have fixed the duplicate name issue. As far as masks and minipets go, I've been told that the Lion Mask is going to make an appearance again, which depresses me greatly. Also, I'm hoping that any minipet given out for the festival will be a Mini Nian, and not a celestial version at that. |
5th lunar fortune... mini ox \o/ (didn't get a rat in over 500fortunes last year)
Nomme Moon
Do they still have the trade from normal pig to celestial pig like last year by any chance?
The Arching Healer
Do the rockets / sparklers / champagne still drop in pve this year?
I like to collect the quest items on one character 9 times then dish them out to my other chars
Ive been flaggin my heroes to the nian point while i leg it down to the nong berry bush and hopefully they kill the knights as i reach them and i can collect the festival dye -pic- |
Ryla Ravenclaw
Do victory tokens drop anywhere now? The quests now give lunar tokens. Rollerbettle and Dragon Arena now give lunar tokens. There doesn't appear to be any place in the game to get victory tokens now. So what the heck are the point of those collectors?
Do victory tokens drop anywhere now? The quests now give lunar tokens. Rollerbettle and Dragon Arena now give lunar tokens. There doesn't appear to be any place in the game to get victory tokens now. So what the heck are the point of those collectors?
Do victory tokens drop anywhere now? The quests now give lunar tokens. Rollerbettle and Dragon Arena now give lunar tokens. There doesn't appear to be any place in the game to get victory tokens now. So what the heck are the point of those collectors? |