Question on armor modification


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2009

Yak's Bend


Just recently got back so I was curious to know if +armor is better than - damage reduction. I was looking at the rune trader and - damage reduction was only worth about 200g while +armor was at 1600g. The +armor one had written on it 13 str so does that mean I need 13 str before it is able to kick in? Also is the damage reduction better when you have more of the +armor mods?

Thanks for any that reply and help!

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

You might have wanted to tell us what runes they actually were. However, from your post you can tell you were looking at a rune of superior absorption and sentinel's insignia.

Firstly, one is a rune and one is an insignia (descriptions/differences are on the Wiki and in the Warrior sticky).

Now, Absorption is less expensive because it doesn't stack and is global, so you'll only need one, whereas you need a Sentinel's for each peice of armor (though you'll only need 4, because good Wars have knockdown and thus a Stonefist). Also, Absorption is -physical damage (doesn't affect elemental damage), whereas sentinels reduces both damage types. And yes, Req 13 strength means you need to have 13 strength before it works.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007




he's obviously referring to sentinel's or knight's insignias for armor. And it's because the -3 is only for that piece, so overall you get 3 damage reduction across global effects, which is hardly anything compared to 25% damage reduction from +20 armor


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2009

Yak's Bend


ok thanks so stick to overall armor it seems