Bad Lag today
Puddin Cheeks
What is the deal with the random patches of lag today.
Before you say it.
No i dont have viruses
My internet still runs fine and i am pulling 10Mbit download speeds constantly.
GW just lags and freezes every couple of minutes then poof back to normal.
I have looked and no background tasks or internet access is happening.
Is anyone else getting this crap.
Before you say it.
No i dont have viruses
My internet still runs fine and i am pulling 10Mbit download speeds constantly.
GW just lags and freezes every couple of minutes then poof back to normal.
I have looked and no background tasks or internet access is happening.
Is anyone else getting this crap.
Cale Roughstar
Wont even let me connect right now
I have 007'd every 5 min after I step into town. Thats like...6,7 times already. One of my friends was complaining about lag too ><
Southern California here btw
Southern California here btw
Just hit 100k ping...must be a record...i want a title for it
Shayne Hawke
I'm also experiencing a slightly higher ping than normal, and people in my alliance have been complaining about it a bit this morning.
I'm wondering if this has something to do with the upcoming weekend event.
I'm wondering if this has something to do with the upcoming weekend event.
I pwnd U
I'm playing right now with no lag or anything. Maybe it has to do with location. There was a thread in Q&A about bad lag and it seemed to be in Europe.
I have been getting 007 every minute or so, about 10 times now :/ don't know whats going on but is hella annoying.
Theus Latius
100k ping? i have screenshots of higher, like 133k haha. lagging today as well here though.
Puddin Cheeks
I keep trying different districts, same problem, euro , american , international, all lag out 007
man the sure is making skill capping tough, LOL
man the sure is making skill capping tough, LOL
Kanna Banrai
I've been tons of spikes since I've started today about an hour ago, and then I keep getting disconnected about ever 10 minutes. Hopefully this will be fixed by the weekend.
Everything's good at Australia's end. Was just on for an hour and a bit, no dramas whatsoever.
dr love
lag was going off the wall then i err7'd
now i cant login either
now i cant login either
At least you can change districts, when i try to use the district menu is goes gray and than i get disconnected. im giving up for now, gonna let gw cooldown a bit lol
The Air Revenger
007 every couple of minutes for the past hour while tring to fix my internet, thought it was my internet but i guess not
Morgoth the dark
They are launching gw2...
yea, i had 140k LOL
yea, i had 140k LOL
no lags or anything in central europe for me
I pwnd U
I'm in the US, Midwest and I have had no problems. Maybe if everyone started posting regions we could see a trend?
Unlucky Slayer
Was getting some bad lag here (Indiana, USA) e7'd just trying to put stuff in storage.
U.S.A Eastern, Laggy As Heck.
just logged in....26k ping, cant move around eye of the north.
I had to reconnect four times just to pick up a gold drop. Then, I couldn't even do that.
Puddin Cheeks
It's a good thing we dont have a monthly fee, if this is expected.
Oh and LOL at the launching GW2. I pee'd a little in my pants.
Oh and LOL at the launching GW2. I pee'd a little in my pants.
I pwnd U
Kanna Banrai
I'm in the Southeastern US and I'm lagging bad. A member in my guild from the UK area was lagging bad. Several US members from my alliance was lagging or unable to connect. It seems to be wide spread and random.
The Air Revenger
buffalo, NY playable but for only 2 minutes at a time
Bad lag for me too. (Toronto Ontario) And to top it off my Faction caps were all set to zero briefly lol.
No noticeable lag for me, and I am in the Eastern US.
I'm in Eastern US, can't even connect right now
El Presidente
Sir Skullcrasher
Maybe we're getting alot of players online waiting for the Canthan New Year to start?
I was lagging a bit last night too, standing in empty dist and still get around 300ping or more.
I was lagging a bit last night too, standing in empty dist and still get around 300ping or more.
Its getting better here, i havent had a discconect in 15 minutes.
Rocky Raccoon
Perhaps the ice storm in the Southern US has taken down some transmission lines forcing rerouting to occur? Just a thought.
lotsa problems with the storm taking down various lines, trees, ect. so it's possible.
Alex Firesword
I had absolutly no lag today, i saw every1 else complaining about it though. i'm in NH
Rocky Raccoon
Here are some new tools Google is trying out. They can test your ISP and network connections. They are new and just being posted on internet news, so they may be overloaded right now.
edit: Just a warning your info will be public as part of a study.
edit: Just a warning your info will be public as part of a study.
Stolen Souls
Had the same problems earlier (in eastern US). Disconnected 4 times in a row and figured screw it. Took a GW break to play something else for a while. Just got back and things SEEM to be ok (for now?).
New Jersey here.
Been seeing spikes since Saturday, mostly in the afternoon-night times. Early mornings when testing before work, 7am EST, its appeared normal. After work however, 5:30EST and onward is almost deadly. Easily stuck, then bam, normal for anywhere from 10 seconds to 5 minutes. I thought it was just me, or my internet having issues. But apparently its not just me.
12k ping spikes and about 6 dc's, eventually not able to login after one dc. On East Coast US