Party Formation Window
I don't know how to turn off this window while in a town to take a picture or video. I know how to turn off everything else...but the party formation window remains. I've tried using Control + Shift + H, but that still does absolutely nothing. The keys aren't broken because they work for everything else. Is there any way to make control/shift/h work or any other way to turn the window off?
Left Ctrl+ Left Shift+H otherwise you might have another program responding to that key sequence. I dont think it possible to change it in F11, Control settings since you can't use more than one key as a shortcut.
That's what I've been using, & the settings are reset. :/
I had a similar issue with calling targets. It was my language bar that was picking up the sequence and switching my language to Japanese. You might want to check that and close other programs running.
Hell Raiser
If you are using Print Screen I believe using Shift+Prt Scr takes a screenshot with the UI off (might be Ctrl+Prt Scr, don't remember).
I'm trying to get a video, but I'll try that hell raiser...and might have just answered my question...I have japanese installed as a second language (on teh bar) as well!
still no luck
The print screen thing does work for pictures...but i wonder how i can get it to work for videos
I think I can get by with screenshots...thank you both for the advice!
If you are using Vista, in control panel, open Regional and Language Options > Keyboards and Languages tab, click on Change Keyboards... then Advanced Key Settings, see if theres a key sequence for using any combination of ctrl, shift + h.
Also be sure you're not doing RIGHT Ctrl or RIGHT shift since it must be LEFT.
Also be sure you're not doing RIGHT Ctrl or RIGHT shift since it must be LEFT.
nope there isn't
press "p" that is the toggle for the party window