** Explorable HM Farming Area's **
Since there is no sticky I think I will create it sorry if there is.
Im trying to farm Arboy Bay in EOTN in HM.
Wat build could I use I would prefer a DUO. Currently using 600 / Smite.
Any Idea's.. Trying make my way through Shards of Orr, To Gadds Encampment.
Since there is no sticky I think I will create it sorry if there is.
Im trying to farm Arboy Bay in EOTN in HM.
Wat build could I use I would prefer a DUO. Currently using 600 / Smite.
Any Idea's.. Trying make my way through Shards of Orr, To Gadds Encampment.
Crippie its Tom
I would agree. A multi-person farming thread pin is in order.
Marty Silverblade
Mind clarifying what this thread is about? You make no sense -> You talk about stickies, then Arbor Bay, then 600/Smiting Shards of Orr...
Mind clarifying what this thread is about? You make no sense -> You talk about stickies, then Arbor Bay, then 600/Smiting Shards of Orr...
I cant imagine Arbor bay is farmable is it? theres a few monks lying around, and a monk boss. I used to do the wolf things with a duo 600/smite. I cant remember the name nor can i remember the place lol, but its a cave full of wolf things with a boss in there. I used to get alot of elite and non elite tomes doing that cave, and it was done in about 5 minutes but then i stopped getting tomes and didnt for about 30-50 runs, all i got was crappy purples, and i havent tried since. But it used to be good and it IS do'able.
If you're looking for asuran lands to farm, try Alcazia Tangle. I clear a good portion of it with rit 600/smite. Get some nice golds and feathers down there. Just watch out for simian mobs and some dino mobs.
Elite Bushido
Arbor bay id be carefull of if using 600/smite - the incubus foes have Soulrending Shriek and that can be bad if theres several of them - and sadly it will go thru spell breaker and shadow form like a hot knife thru butter.
Best bet for asuran is raptors in hm .
Nightow - 600/smite dont use soj - it slows down enemy attacks in hm and causes tank to suffer nrg issues.Also the tank needs divine and prot points so smiting wont be used.
Spellbreaker can be used to help lessen the interupts from raptors meaning 600 lasts a bit longer - tbh ive net yet tried raptors as 600/smite but ive heard ppl doin it and i assume its same method as farming vermin in hm .
Omg just realised its mojo - wondered what happened to you in the monk section lol
Best bet for asuran is raptors in hm .
Nightow - 600/smite dont use soj - it slows down enemy attacks in hm and causes tank to suffer nrg issues.Also the tank needs divine and prot points so smiting wont be used.
Spellbreaker can be used to help lessen the interupts from raptors meaning 600 lasts a bit longer - tbh ive net yet tried raptors as 600/smite but ive heard ppl doin it and i assume its same method as farming vermin in hm .
Omg just realised its mojo - wondered what happened to you in the monk section lol
Originally Posted by Spiritz
Spellbreaker can be used to help lessen the interupts from raptors meaning 600 lasts a bit longer - tbh ive net yet tried raptors as 600/smite but ive heard ppl doin it and i assume its same method as farming vermin in hm .
Omg just realised its mojo - wondered what happened to you in the monk section lol
Originally Posted by Nightow
I clear a good portion of it with rit 600/smite.
The rit version has no way to prevent interrupts since we can't go Rt/Mo/Me so the only way to get through the raptor mobs is by using SoJ and casting in between [Disrupting Stab]'s. Mindbender also helps so that's why I use it if I'm farming raptors that way.
Edit: I just remembered, we do have [Tranquil Was Tanasen] to prevent interrupts but that would still slow it down since it doesn't steal health and also adds armor. mojo8850
@ Nightow
So your suggesting [shield of judgment] & [mindbender]. Is the build a 600 or a 55. if its a 600 i could bring [pain inverter] Nightow
If I'm farming raptors on my rit, yes I use those two skills.
[build=A4MC5EyPMRPUPcXpFFSYxsWqPA] [build=ADMhjh8bCAmSZKv8hPDeS] Sorry for the messed up skill placement. I'm just using the online build maker from http://gw.gamependium.com. It's not meant to be a fast way or the safest way to farm raptors. It will take practice as you will need to precast your enchants before each mob and then reapply them in between the raptors using disrupting stab on you. (Hint: watch for their KD animation) Even with SoJ and mindbender, you still run the risk of getting interrupted so just keep that in mind if you attempt it. With this build, I've taken on the nestlings, the boss, the regular raptors outside the cave as well as the Ferothrax that you can find in Riven Earth. (Good source of Saurian Scythes) I recommend that you stay away from the angorodons, even if you take a second smiter with spell breaker. There really isn't any room (in my point of view) for pain inverter and I really don't think it's optimal for this build as PI really shines when the hexed enemy hits multiple players at once, not just one. mojo8850
I assume thats a duo build..
Is there a solo build, Monk as primary proffesion.. Elite Bushido
^^Well yea.... if you wanna travel a lil over 3 years ago and do 55ing
>,> mojo8850
Isn't there a duo build but Monk as primary for 600 & Smite
at a guess u can reverse Nightows build to mo/rt which i assume for rt he uses +1 +1 restoration head so for monk u`d use +1 +1 prot head.
Most builds can be reversed ( mo/me 600 to me/mo 600 etc ) if 600 but u do lose power in any skills for original primary profession Nightow
Originally Posted by mojo8850
Isn't there a duo build but Monk as primary for 600 & Smite
Crippie its Tom
We mean that like the "farming-list of builds" sticky, it would have a counterpart that would contain only farms that involve more than one person- preferably not a hero or henchman. waaiit i think i meant it in the context of a person and a person instead of a person and a henchman. regardless, be happy marty. Marty Silverblade Crippie its Tom
Lmao thanks i meant hero.
Edited that post, and yeah a second post on that thread would be lovely. mojo8850
Could the whole of UW be farmed in HM with 600/smite.
MisterB |