Alrite guys. Been a while since I've made a wallpaper and I think it came out pretty good except for some overly sharpened points. Tell me what u guys think. <-- if the image doesn't appear.
2nd Wallpaper
His face looks like sandpaper. The watermark/logo in the middle really ruins the wallpaper. Cliche 3D decorations.
Shows some prowess with photoshop though.
Shows some prowess with photoshop though.
Jecht Scye
The render(the dude in the wallpaper) completely ruins it imo. It would look better to me just plain with the background.
brb, apparently our Nolani forum has gotten harsh! Wow. Of course, if you want honest critic they'll give it to you. I like it, personally. The colors and the mood it sets. I admit the sandpaper face when his arms are not is throwing it off. The man against that background also seems "forced" is the best word.
Well I made this wallpaper for myself and I didn't really mind the watermark since I was using it for myself. But here's one without the render/watermarks if you guys want to use it :P
It's a nice background, saved for later use perhaps...
Hehe, have fun with it.
Jecht Scye
Much better looking without the render.
Good stuff.
Good stuff.
Eragon Zarroc
very awesome looking =)
Hm, I'm looking at the original, and I have to say the clipping mask text doesn't really blend where it is.