Hi all,
Don't know whether it's just me, but I think the forum fonts have been updated within the last days. Every text, be it messages or forum and link names are way smaller now, while many of them are hardly readable anymore.
I think they should be changed back to their original fonts.
Fonts way too small
Patron, the fonts haven't changed. It's your browser. Go up to your "View" if you are in Firefox, go down to "Zoom" and you can fix the font size there. If you are in IE, go to "View" and then "Text Size" and choose "Medium" (which is default).
oh yeah, true.
Well, I didn't know whether it's just my browser, cause every site but guru appeared to be normal. Fixed it. Thx for the hint.
Well, I didn't know whether it's just my browser, cause every site but guru appeared to be normal. Fixed it. Thx for the hint.
Zodiac Meteor
You could just hold ctrl+Z then scroll with your mouse.
Commander Ryker
You don't need to hold the Z, just ctrl and scroll.
Patron, if you use the Ctrl+scroll control on a browser window, it only applies to that page, any others would still look the same. It's only if you set your sizes in preferences that it is browser wide
That's why only Guru was looking different.

Big John Thomas
Actually its funny you should mention it,I too thought the fonts had changed.I actually looked here to see if there was any mention of it. They changed for me a couple of days ago while I was actually browsing the forum. When I clicked the back button all the fonts changed to 1 or 2 sizes smaller and same with me it was only Guru that was affected 
Anyway thanks for the crtl=scroll tip, never knew that.I always used to go into the view menu to change it.

Anyway thanks for the crtl=scroll tip, never knew that.I always used to go into the view menu to change it.