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Campfire: General Posting Guidelines
The Campfire: General Posting Guidelines ** Edited 20-Mar-2009 **
Please take the time to read the following guidelines relating to the posting of threads in Campfire, and the profession sub-forums. Please also read the General Forum Rules which can be found here
1. Please help us to help you
Simply posting "Please tell me how to play <Profession>!" is an extremely vague query, and will more often than not be closed. If you have a query regarding a profession, please narrow that query down, and ask a more specific question. An example might be "Please can someone help me decide which form of Condition removal is most appropriate for my build?" - remember to post your build, and give us as much information about where you're trying to play.
2. Tell us which campaigns you own
It is difficult for us to help you if you do not tell us which campaigns you own. To avoid confusion, please let us know, otherwise other users are likely to assume you have access to all skills.
3. Asking for Builds
Please refrain from posting simply asking for other users to post builds for you. We cannot keep posting builds until we find one to your liking. Please post your own build so that we have an idea of what you're trying to achieve and help you improve it. Moreover, many specimen builds can be found in the stickied profession guides at the top of each profession sub-forum, if you really need that much help in starting a build. Many builds can also be found via searching.
4. Please do not spam post
Please do not post simply for the sake of posting. Make your posts interesting, and if replying to someone, keep it relevant and to the point.
Off topic content may be removed if deemed unsuitable by a Moderator.
5. Please use relevant thread titles
Make sure your thread titles list your idea. Don't post threads with vague titles like "Look at this!". Make sure your thread title reflects the content of your thread, to keep things organized and less confusing.
6. Do not bump old threads for no reason
Skills change, and builds go in and out of favour. Please ensure an old thread is up to date before contributing to it. If it's not, and you still wish to post, please begin a new thread.
7. Guild Wars BBCode
Please try to use Guild Wars BBCode whenever possible. This makes builds easier to see and understand. A guide and templates for this code can be found here.
8. Copying Content from Wiki
We would ask users to not simply copy and paste large chunks of text from wiki, or other external sites. Occaisionally the code used on the guildwiki sites conflicts with our own, and results in broken threads. Long reams of copied text are also cumbersome to read through, so we request that users think about how much they intend copying, and where appropriate simply provide a link to the relevant wiki page instead.