Heroes Ascent Announcement
I believe that these announcements are completely pointless since the favor system changed. HA is dead, and I don't think many people care about who's winning HoH. So, I think they should just be taken away.
...I actually do like them.
Ya. I enjoy them as well. I enjoyed it more when there was favor battles between US and Europe, but I think more access to UW/FoW is better. Its still fun to see the guilds and people winning Halls. Sometimes a guild with a good name comes up to. Always nice to laugh in the middle of a mission

Hailey Anne
I personally dont like them for the most part unless a funny name comes up that I can laugh about. But I usually see the same names over and over so ya /signed.
Lycan Nibbler
Think theres more important things to work on, /not signed
What Now
But then you can't go.... "DOOD WE JUST WON HALLS UNDER MY NAME" up enter up enter..
So everyone knows you did
without second guessing.
So everyone knows you did

Eh, its not like it breaks immersion or anything. If it was really annoying (like some big flashing thing that appears on half your screen) or really frequent, I could see the problem. But as it is.... I don't even notice it most of the times.
Icy The Mage
excess un-needed work to improve the game for a small portion (you) of the population.
excess un-needed work to improve the game for a small portion (you) of the population.
I dont mind it. It's nice to see a friend or their guild win halls. Seeing funny names are also ftw.
It's not like its hard to ignore...
It's not like its hard to ignore...
Fat People Lag [IRL]...it makes my day
I'm sorry if I missed something, but was is the announcement?
*link is appreciated*
*link is appreciated*
Raul the Rampant
^^The announcement being referred to here is the line or two of green text that shows up in the game announcing the winning team in the most recent match, not anything that was recently issued by Anet.
Not only do I give this a /not signed, but I'd really like to see HA re-linked to favor in some way. People might actually have some reason to care then... and maybe even participate.
Not only do I give this a /not signed, but I'd really like to see HA re-linked to favor in some way. People might actually have some reason to care then... and maybe even participate.
In that case, I like it alot.
It's not that people who see it care about it, it's the winning team that *maybe* feels proud when they've won and see their names appear on everyone's screen.
That's part of why you play a game, to make your name known to the folks who play it, in my opinion.
But hey, that's just me ^_^
~ Shiro
It's not that people who see it care about it, it's the winning team that *maybe* feels proud when they've won and see their names appear on everyone's screen.
That's part of why you play a game, to make your name known to the folks who play it, in my opinion.
But hey, that's just me ^_^
~ Shiro
I like the 'announcements'.
Would love to see it implemented as well for the AT winners.
Bit of green text doesn't hurt you and if anything has to change then more in the line of disable option it; like trade or emotes. Although I don't see why that would be needed.
/not signed
Would love to see it implemented as well for the AT winners.
Bit of green text doesn't hurt you and if anything has to change then more in the line of disable option it; like trade or emotes. Although I don't see why that would be needed.
/not signed
Keep it, for old times' sake.
I like some of the names. They are funny. Keep it.
Please do not remove them. It reminds me that there are still people out there playing HA. Anyway it is top pvp so I think they deserve some minutes of fame.
I really don't care. I ignore it.
It's a single line that appears on your chat. It's not annoying, it really doesn't get in the way of anything. I really see no point in removing it.
Some of the names are hilarious.
Eragon Zarroc
bah, HA announcements that have been around since the beginning of the game. they arent gonna be taken out, lol. they will stop being announced when people stop playin it all together, lol. does it seriously annoy u? lol
Hailey Anne
Toggle switch. Show Announcement...This would unclude HA and the annoying messages saying so and so is now lvl 5 or so and so just reached legendary cart.
they get rather annoying when in town. Outside of town I dont care about the HA announcements and the other ones dont show up but a toggle would be good.
they get rather annoying when in town. Outside of town I dont care about the HA announcements and the other ones dont show up but a toggle would be good.
Removing the message would make even less people play HA
I like the idea of adding an announcement for the guild that wins an AT
as for the HA announcement.
as for the HA announcement.
It keeps me updated on whether or not I need to go in and gank someone.
warrior running
The reason I win halls is to see my name on announcement I'd quit if it didn't
Its easy to ignore, and when I see some of the names it makes me lol. so /notsigned.
Ariena Najea
The names make it worth it.
And didn't you know? HA is srs bsns!
I do like the idea of adding the AT winners to announcements, as well as making all of such announcements based on a toggle. The "[Player Name] is now Level [#]!" is annoying in larger towns.
And didn't you know? HA is srs bsns!
I do like the idea of adding the AT winners to announcements, as well as making all of such announcements based on a toggle. The "[Player Name] is now Level [#]!" is annoying in larger towns.
/Not signed
We got Balls of Steel [BS] makes my day
We got Balls of Steel [BS] makes my day
/not signed.
Not that I play HoH anymore, but its still nice to see that people do.
And yep, some names are a big laugh so just keep it
Not that I play HoH anymore, but its still nice to see that people do.
And yep, some names are a big laugh so just keep it
If it's removed, HA will be even more dead perhaps?
I don't even notice it unless it's a friend's guild or a funny name, so /notsigned
"Maenner Ohne Wirkliches Leben has won the battle in the Hall of Heroes and keeps the Favor of the Gods for Europe."
Then it was still fun to see them. For now, better make it optional, on by default. This allows anyone to turn it off if not wanted.
Then it was still fun to see them. For now, better make it optional, on by default. This allows anyone to turn it off if not wanted.
I think they should keep the names announced since it is interesting to see who is winning and some of the names are kinda funny at times. However, there have been some pretty offensive names as well, so there needs to be better moderation on names announced or they should stop announcing them. Its not cool that someone should be insulted by a name shot accross their screen just because they happen to be playing at the same time that team wins. People are banned all the time in game because of tasteless player names, step up Anet and do the same with Guilds who do it as well.