Here are two of Linsey's responses to that (as multiple sections on this was made):
Originally Posted by Linsey Murdock
If you guys want to make a list of monsters whose skill bars got screwed up due to skill changes, I will take a look at it and attempt to correct the issue. We do make passes on monster skill bars when changing a skill but things slip through the cracks. So make a page, put together a list and I'll fix them. Since I don't work on AI, it is hard for me to discuss these kinds of reports, but I collect them all to be passed on to Joe who does work on AI. - Linsey talk 06:23, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Originally Posted by Linsey Murdock
This does not include builds that have poor synergy (although including those may push Anet to make the HM versions, at least, better). So if it is listed due to poor synergy, state so.
Format of List:
The list is sorted by Profession, then by Monsters/Bosses. If builds are the same, they will be grouped together, if just one skill is different, that monster will get a new listing. The naming will go like this:
Name (Skill Issue - Problem - Possible Solutions)
Spoiler-related boss (Tactics Attribute at 0 with 2 Tactics skills - Spend some attribute points in his Tactics line) *Note: This was added as the build has issues - even though it is not due to an update*
Current: [Deadly Riposte][Final Thrust][Hundred Blades][Thrill of Victory]Elementalist
Captain Mwende ([[Master of Magic] - Nerfed in HM - Remove reduction effect)
Current: [Aura of Restoration][Fireball][Master of Magic][Meteor]Kournan (Elite) Scribe/Admiral Kantoh/Captain Nebo ([[Master of Magic] - Nerfed in HM - Remove reduction effect)
Current: [Aftershock][Aura of Restoration][Fireball][Master of Magic][Meteor]Hajok Earthguardian (Insect) ([[Master of Magic] - Nerfed in HM - Remove reduction effect)
Current: [Armor of Earth][Aura of Restoration][Master of Magic][Stone Daggers][Stoning]Rock Beetle ([[Master of Magic] - Nerfed in HM - Remove reduction effect)
Current: [Armor of Earth][Master of Magic][Stone Daggers][Stoning]Ranger
Vatlaaw Doomtooth ([[Barrage] + [[Ignite Arrows] - Barrage cancels the preparation - )
Current: [Barrage][Favorable Winds][ignite Arrows]Frostmaw Spawn ([[Barrage] - Doesn't use Barrage - Give them a bow or remove elite) *Note: This was added as the build has issues - even though it is not due to an update*
Current: [Barrage][Wurm Bile]Nerashi ([[Scavenger's Focus]/[[Prepared Shot]/[[Escape] - No preparation and three elites - Change build)*Note: This was added as the build has issues - even though it is not a problem*
Current: [Escape][Pin Down][Scavenger's Focus][Prepared Shot][Troll Unguent]Jungle Guardian/Redwood Shepherd ([[Debilitating Shot] - No Marksmanship in NM - Put points in Marksmanship)
Current: [Debilitating Shot][Primal Echoes]Docu Kindleshot/Groknar Weazlewortz ([[Barrage] + [[Ignite Arrows] - Barrage cancels the preparation)
Current: [Barrage][Dual Shot][Ignite Arrows][Savage Shot][Troll Unguent]Necromancer
Risen Ashen Hulk ([[Aura of the Lich] - Synergy issue/Death buffing skill in a Blood/Curses build - Change to a Death build) *Note: This was added not because the build has major issues, but because the elite is no longer used well - no change is needed but a change would not hurt*
Current: [Aura of the Lich][Shadow of Fear][Shadow Strike][Strip Enchantment]Shadow Vaettirs ([[Cultist's Fervor]/[[Dark Aura] - synergy issue/no saccing skills anymore to work with Dark Aura - Change build to include saccing skills or change Dark Aura)
Current: [Cultist's Fervor][Dark Aura][Mark of Subversion][Unholy Feast][Vampiric Gaze]Monk
Brother Pe Wan ([[Life Sheath] - in Disenchantment Course quest, constant re-appliance - Change the enchantment to something with a longer recharge/duration)
Current: [Life Sheath]Seaguard Gita & Redemptor Karl ([[Life Seath] - massive condition removal - change build)
Current: [Aegis][Draw Conditions][Life Sheath][Mend Ailment][Rebirth][Spirit Bond][Reversal of Fortune]Mesmer
Luxon Assassins ([[Black Lotus Strike] - changed to Lead and no off-hand - add in an Off-Hand attack)
Current: [Black Lotus Strike][Death Blossom][Horns of the Ox][Iron Palm][Way of the Empty Palm]Ilidus of the Empty Palm ([[Black Lotus Strike] - changed to Lead and no off-hand - add in an Off-Hand attack)
Current: [Black Lotus Strike][Horns of the Ox][Iron Palm][Shadow Refuge][Way of the Empty Palm]Senkai, Lord of the 1,000 Daggers Guild ([[Black Lotus Strike] - changed to Lead and no off-hand - add in an Off-Hand attack)
Current: [Black Lotus Strike][Horns of the Ox][Iron Palm][Way of the Empty Palm]Nika in the Norn Fighting Tournament ([[Black Locus Strike] - Changed to Lead and no off-hand - add in an Off-Hand attack)
Current: [Black Lotus Strike][Expose Defenses][Horns of the Ox][Shadow Refuge][Siphon Speed][Shattering Assault]Ritualist
Consort of Ruin ([[Xinrae's Weapon] - Moved to Restoration - Just put points in Restoration or change build to fit Restoration)
Current: [Empowerment][Mighty Was Vorizun][Pain][Renewing ][Xinrae's Weapon]Warden of the Summer ([[Consume Soul] - No Spawning Power *only issue in Hard Mode* - Add Spawning Power attribute points.)
Current: [Consume Soul][Spirit Light][Splinter Weapon]Warden of Seasons ([[Consume Soul] - No Spawning Power *only issue in Hard Mode* - Add Spawning Power attribute points.)
Current: [Consume Soul][Recuperation][Spirit Light][Splinter Weapon]Maddened Spirit Warden ([[Consume Soul] - No Spawning Power *unconfirmed issue in Hard Mode*- Add Spawning Power attribute points.)
Current: [Consume Soul][Recuperation][Resilient Weapon][Spirit Light][Splinter Weapon]
Madness Titans ([[Vow of Strength] - was changed - change build to fit new functionality of elite)
Current: [Mirage Cloak][Mystic Regeneration][Mystic Sandstorm][Sand Shards][Vow of Strength]Thorn Beetle ([[Vow of Strength] - was changed - change build to fit new functionality of elite)
Current: [Aura of Thorns][Dust Cloak][Mirage Cloak][Mystic Sandstorm][Vow of Strength]Ensign Jahan/Captain Mhedi/Corsair Grappler ([[Vow of Strength] - was changed - change build to fit new functionality of elite)
Current: [Armor of Sanctity][Aura of Thorns][Reap Impurities][Vital Boon][Vow of Strength][Corsair's Net]Corsair Marauder ([[Vow of Strength] - was changed - change build to fit new functionality of elite)
Current: [Aura of Thorns][Reap Impurities][Vow of Strength][Corsair's Net]Corsair Berserker (not BMP version - HM only) ([[Vow of Strength] - was changed - change build to fit new functionality of elite)
Current: [Reap Impurities][Vow of Strength][Corsair's Net]Onslaught of Terror/Emissary of Dhuum/Scythe of Chaos ([[Onslaught]/[[Whirling Charge] - both have same purpose - replace Whirling Charge for another stance)
Current: [Chilling Victory (PvE)][Eremite's Attack (PvE)][Lyssa's Assault][Onslaught][Whirling Charge][Zealous Renewal]Paragon
Kormir (Whole Build - Skills either only affect her or only uses when taking damage via indirect skills - Change AI to act as an ally that uses skills to help allies *aka, supporter AI on avoid* and give ally supporting skills, not party)
Current: ["Incoming!"][Ballad of Restoration][Leader's Comfort](Elder) Skree Singer ([["Incoming!"] - along with [["Charge!"] from Skree Raider is unneeded - Change either Skree Singer or Skree Raider's elite or functionality of "Incoming!")
Current: [Aggressive Refrain][Harrier's Toss]["Incoming!"]["We Shall Return!"][Wild Throw]
Any and all help in fixing these would be helpful. Changes would mostly relate to Elite skills, but some non-elites, even old changes, should be included. I shall update the list with what I, and others, find daily.