[EYE] Alliance is LF more guilds (Luxon,titles,HM,farmers,PVE,JQ/AB/FA,etc)
I'm Jim the Guild Leader of The Defenders Of The North[EYE] and leader of the [EYE] Alliance. The [EYE] Alliance (Luxon) is looking for 1-2 more guilds to fill our alliance roster.
What we look for in a Ally Guild:
-be active & social and we'll get along great.
-mainly a PVE guild (but we dabble in PVP and like to AB/JQ too).
-social (we prefer guilds that like using forums and things like TS/Vent, not required though).
-guilds to team up with for some HM stuff and elites areas is also preferred.
Here's a little about the [EYE] Alliance:
We are Luxon, PVE, active, and team up regularly, we do lots of HM missions, have lots of title chasers. We are mainly an American Alliance but one of our guilds is based in Europe, we also have some daytime players as well (i'd love to get 1 or 2 more UK guilds too if i could). We currently have 6 guilds in the alliance.
We have weekly alliance events, we hold them as alliance events cuz we are all smaller guilds so we get more activity with the events, we kinda operate as one big guild in that respect.
Some of our alliance rules include....we dont mind swearing as long as it isnt rediculous, we ask that everyone treats each other like friends since we all are or will be friends. We dont mind trade within the alliance but no spamming.
We try to keep the age limit to 18 and up when we recruit and look for guilds to add, but there are probably a handful of younger ones in the mix.
No drama please.
As a part of the alliance you will have access to some features:
-our vent server.
-the very active [EYE] guild/alliance website - http://awesomedotcom.org/main.html
-the website features the GWBBCODE with a library of builds/guides
-our chat box (which gets a lot of use while many of us are at work during the day)
-We also have some great artists, I myself make forum sigs and we also have an artist that can do amazing art work.
-here's the artwork she made for my dervish
-here's one of my favorsite sigs that i made
A day in the EYE alliance
-It starts out with laughing it up with guildies/allies on the forums and chatbox (which are very active). We basically spend the day making each other laugh. We get in game and BS around on vent while we ask each other what they want/need to do and just float around the GW world completing tasks for each other. On event days we get groups going for HM stuff, Dungeons, or something like UW/FOW/JQs/etc.
-There are big events and give aways too like our Scav Hunt which has always been awesome fun, AB and JQ syncing, Where's The Wench, and much much more.
-if you are interested in your guild joining our alliance then leave a post here
Sorry about the inconvenience of making you register to post, we recently had a mess of those stupid add spammers on the forums in the areas where guests were aloud to post.
my IGN is Jim of The Order