If someone has both the Elite Necrotic and Elite Cultist armor sets (female) would they mind taking a screen shot for me? Color doesn't matter at all, just the pieces. I checked both Necromancer threads and the armor contribution thread and didn't see this combination posted.
If possible I'd like to see what the Necrotic set with the gloves + boots from the Cultist set look like together.
Request: Female 15K Mixed Necrotic / Cultist Necromancer Armour
What Now
That's the page I used to pick my armor out. I posted in another thread asking if you can preview armor sets, and they directed me to this sub-forum to ask if someone could take a screen shot of them wearing a specific combination.
In case my first post was confusing, what I meant was wearing the Necrotic chest and legs and the Cultist arms and feet as a mixed set.
In case my first post was confusing, what I meant was wearing the Necrotic chest and legs and the Cultist arms and feet as a mixed set.