I bought it because I know jack-**** about picking hardware out for a PC, and that's why I've come to you guys and girls for some help.
I've about $1800, give or take, to spend on a new PC. (about 15000 SEK)
I don't live in the US, so the website I've heard great things about in terms of pricing, newegg, is out of the questiola

If there is a website that ships internationally, I'd really like it if the shipping cost isn't all too much ^^ Living in Sweden has its drawbacks ye :P
I'm looking to replace everything that I have in my case and outside of it :P
So the necessary hardware + mouse, keyboard, monitor and headphones. I think using the build-in soundcard will be more than enough for me.
Will also be needing OS.
If bought in the US, will there be voltage-problems? IE the hardware not working as it should? Will I need an adapter of some sort?
That's about all there is to it really

If anyone would wanna help me build a "most-bang-for-the-buck-system", I will be forever grateful

Peace and love to you, brothers and sisters!
Forgot to mention that I play alot of highend games, Crysis, FC2, and will want to be playing future games too =)
Also work alot with Adobe products (Photoshop, Flash etc.) and 3D modeling programs (ZBrush, Maya etc.)
But mostly gaming