Post Your Monk!!
What is wrong with me? I didn't need new armor!! I'll still keep the 15k Kurzick for more formal occasions (it's infused), but the Ancient armor is just so charming and cozy. 

Juno Onuj
Originally Posted by Juno Onuj
*cough* chav *cough*

Seyrarm Maiden 

My Monk in her 15k Kurzick and 15k Luxon (next post)

^^^I think she blinked in this one LOL
I'm about to move over to Euro Servers and start farming for her FoW. Except I might have to remake her because I like Tyrian Buns more <.< >.>

^^^I think she blinked in this one LOL
I'm about to move over to Euro Servers and start farming for her FoW. Except I might have to remake her because I like Tyrian Buns more <.< >.>

Don't ask about the armor combination, just wanted something unique. Lol.
15K kurzick chest dyed black
1.5k Tyrian legs dyed black
15k primeval feet
1.5k shing jea arms
I might post my other armor if i get the time.
And yes....I did steal Mhenlo's pants. lol
Originally Posted by Rainstorm13

You have good taste!!!

Maria The Princess
^^ gotta love the butterfly hair 
its cute, dont remake her. you put all this work and cash into it, and now remake? no way! im sure Ch 4 has a hairstylist.
and why would u want to look like 90% of female monks out there? (including mine >_<)

its cute, dont remake her. you put all this work and cash into it, and now remake? no way! im sure Ch 4 has a hairstylist.
and why would u want to look like 90% of female monks out there? (including mine >_<)
Yeah i have to agree, don't remale her - There is waaaayyy to many bun hairstyles - granted my proph monk has them, and i wont delete her beacuse of the progress she has.
Alana Fier
Originally Posted by Wilhelm
Roar Roar Dinosaur.....
Easily the best name I've ever seen in Guild Wars lol.
Redyed my armor. Couldn't put up with straight black anymore. [Black + Blue(2) + Purple]

^^ We had a nice band going in HA ID1. Even had a certain monk singing. LF9+ Violin Player hehe
Aww Wilhelm! Nice new color! its me motookkkoo!!
<3 ur monkie! soo cute!

Redyed my armor. Couldn't put up with straight black anymore. [Black + Blue(2) + Purple]

^^ We had a nice band going in HA ID1. Even had a certain monk singing. LF9+ Violin Player hehe
Aww Wilhelm! Nice new color! its me motookkkoo!!

Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
Yeah i have to agree, don't remale her - There is waaaayyy to many bun hairstyles - granted my proph monk has them, and i wont delete her beacuse of the progress she has.
Buns ftw, as soon as we get a hairstylist, I am changing my monk from buns to a ch 2 hairstyle, they are so cool! Mayheim's hairstyle is really nice, too, maybe I might go with that, but right now, we don't eve know if we are going to get a hairstylist, hehe. My internet is screwy so I can't post a picture of my monk, but just imagine a tiny monk with blond buns and ascalon set from Kaineng dyed olive green.
Buns aren't for the win anymore, no. not after anet ruind them while implementing the ability for chars' mouths to move in cut-scenes, they bloated them up and made them huge and oversized, though they did kinda'sorta fix it, still not the same... looks funny still imo. i think canthan monks are 20x cuter then tyrian ones anyways ;p and the hairstyles are so much better. thats just my opinion though.
Ya gotta give us a break, we who have had Tyrian monks around since the game came out. There were only one or two acceptable Tyrian hairstyles, and buns were one of them.
I too will never remake my buns monk, she's got too much armor, too many skills, and too much xp.
However... if a hairstylist provides the opportunity to remove the ribbon--or dye it to match my armors--then I would take advantage.
I too will never remake my buns monk, she's got too much armor, too many skills, and too much xp.
However... if a hairstylist provides the opportunity to remove the ribbon--or dye it to match my armors--then I would take advantage.

I have a Tyrian monk with the bun hair style of 14 months now, and she has fissure armor aswell as tons of other armors. i have a canthan monk aswell and i like her more then my old monk. i was just saying that after they kinda mucked up the buns i disliked them gradually.
Originally Posted by Sofonisba
However... if a hairstylist provides the opportunity to remove the ribbon--or dye it to match my armors--then I would take advantage.
ye thats true - I dont like looking at the ribbon all the time... but at least my monk has really pretty face
. I <3 her and will never delete from my account.
Nobody should tell me my monk sucks because of buns.
My character must be perfect just for me because thats me who looks at it all the time

Nobody should tell me my monk sucks because of buns.
My character must be perfect just for me because thats me who looks at it all the time

Originally Posted by Brianna
I have a Tyrian monk with the bun hair style of 14 months now, and she has fissure armor aswell as tons of other armors. i have a canthan monk aswell and i like her more then my old monk. i was just saying that after they kinda mucked up the buns i disliked them gradually.
I agree, I prefer Canthan hairstyles to Tyrian 100%, but I love the Tyrian monk faces, they are so cute and innocent. I really hope we get a hairstylist.
Yeah, Tyrian monk faces are cute, My Tyrian monk has the same face as MerQry's does, i think its very cute.
However i doubt that this ''Hair-stylist'' will ever appear in game, sounds to iffy, don't really see any way for it to fit in.. *no offence* but i think some people are just asking ANet for WAY to many things. they aren't here to give the community whatever random things they come up with and decide is a good idea. Guild Wars cannot please everyone. however if there was such a thing implemented, I'd figure it wouldn't be in the form of an in game npc, but Campaign Mix-Matching faces/hair styles at the char creation screen. Only thing i can think of that would seem to work. However this would require alot of time and programming to fish out the bugs that would come along with doing such a thing like this, You must consider these things.. Anyways, ill get around to posting my monks soon here.
However i doubt that this ''Hair-stylist'' will ever appear in game, sounds to iffy, don't really see any way for it to fit in.. *no offence* but i think some people are just asking ANet for WAY to many things. they aren't here to give the community whatever random things they come up with and decide is a good idea. Guild Wars cannot please everyone. however if there was such a thing implemented, I'd figure it wouldn't be in the form of an in game npc, but Campaign Mix-Matching faces/hair styles at the char creation screen. Only thing i can think of that would seem to work. However this would require alot of time and programming to fish out the bugs that would come along with doing such a thing like this, You must consider these things.. Anyways, ill get around to posting my monks soon here.
Originally Posted by Brianna
Yeah, Tyrian monk faces are cute, My Tyrian monk has the same face as MerQry's does, i think its very cute.
However i doubt that this ''Hair-stylist'' will ever appear in game, sounds to iffy, don't really see any way for it to fit in.. *no offence* but i think some people are just asking ANet for WAY to many things. they aren't here to give the community whatever random things they come up with and decide is a good idea. Guild Wars cannot please everyone. however if there was such a thing implemented, I'd figure it wouldn't be in the form of an in game npc, but Campaign Mix-Matching faces/hair styles at the char creation screen. Only thing i can think of that would seem to work. However this would require alot of time and programming to fish out the bugs that would come along with doing such a thing like this, You must consider these things.. Anyways, ill get around to posting my monks soon here. Yeah, I said "hope" for a hairstylist, but I think that if we got one, it would take away the uniqueness of any characters.
However i doubt that this ''Hair-stylist'' will ever appear in game, sounds to iffy, don't really see any way for it to fit in.. *no offence* but i think some people are just asking ANet for WAY to many things. they aren't here to give the community whatever random things they come up with and decide is a good idea. Guild Wars cannot please everyone. however if there was such a thing implemented, I'd figure it wouldn't be in the form of an in game npc, but Campaign Mix-Matching faces/hair styles at the char creation screen. Only thing i can think of that would seem to work. However this would require alot of time and programming to fish out the bugs that would come along with doing such a thing like this, You must consider these things.. Anyways, ill get around to posting my monks soon here. Yeah, I said "hope" for a hairstylist, but I think that if we got one, it would take away the uniqueness of any characters.
There is my monk, the image may be a little small though.
My monk hates paparazzi ( think I spelled it right)
There is my monk, the image may be a little small though.
My monk hates paparazzi ( think I spelled it right)
Heres my Canthan monk:
And i know, i was just generalizing hehe.
And i know, i was just generalizing hehe.
mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by Mickey
There is my monk, the image may be a little small though. she is soooooooooo adorable! i love the colour on her armour, too
There is my monk, the image may be a little small though. she is soooooooooo adorable! i love the colour on her armour, too

Originally Posted by mojave mango juice
she is soooooooooo adorable! i love the colour on her armour, too
Well thank you, I don't know what 15 k armor to work for, I love 15 k Kurzick dyed White, but I also love the Luxon, so hard to choose! I may keep my armor set, I love the fact that we can get Ascalon armor now. The armor color is a simple brown + green, but it works wonders.

Originally Posted by Mickey
Well thank you, I don't know what 15 k armor to work for, I love 15 k Kurzick dyed White, but I also love the Luxon, so hard to choose! I may keep my armor set, I love the fact that we can get Ascalon armor now. The armor color is a simple brown + green, but it works wonders.
get both sets, u cant have too many armors for monk - 1 with +energy, 1 with +10AR vs elem (f/ex, depends on where r u monking) and some armors just look so good

some guy
My new monk chilling out in sunspear sanctuary,
Originally Posted by Y.T.
get both sets, u cant have too many armors for monk - 1 with +energy, 1 with +10AR vs elem (f/ex, depends on where r u monking) and some armors just look so good
Good idea, gonna have to work for that.

Havre Fras
I deleted my old monk, mainly due to the AI "tweak", so this is my new one, Acolyte Mango.
The name is sort of a "tribute" to my friend's love of all things mango, as well as the fact its a funny word, somehow. Shame "El Mango De Magnifico" doesn't fit and that Mango Man is taken. I'd have loved to have had those.

Oh well, Acolyte Apricot may be my next character name.

mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by Havre Fras
I deleted my old monk, mainly due to the AI "tweak", so this is my new one, Acolyte Mango.
The name is sort of a "tribute" to my friend's love of all things mango, as well as the fact its a funny word, somehow. Shame "El Mango De Magnifico" doesn't fit and that Mango Man is taken. I'd have loved to have had those.

Oh well, Acolyte Apricot may be my next character name.

Havre Fras
I don't even know who you are.
And to make this post actually worth something, my old Monk, Karis Overseer.
I hated that hair/face combo dearly.

And to make this post actually worth something, my old Monk, Karis Overseer.
I hated that hair/face combo dearly.

My Imageshack log-in is finally working again!
Here's my monk, Buttermilk N Honey in Vabbian armor. The bangles are from the 15k Elite Sunspear set:
^Just got the final piece a few days ago, really loving it
Here's my old 15k Luxon. Still one of my favorite monk armors
EDIT: Trying to upload an image from Wintersday. Imagine me in 1.5k Kurzick, with a freezie crown, standing by the two snowmen at Kamdan playing the guitar (with Divine Aura). lol
Here's my monk, Buttermilk N Honey in Vabbian armor. The bangles are from the 15k Elite Sunspear set:
^Just got the final piece a few days ago, really loving it

Here's my old 15k Luxon. Still one of my favorite monk armors


EDIT: Trying to upload an image from Wintersday. Imagine me in 1.5k Kurzick, with a freezie crown, standing by the two snowmen at Kamdan playing the guitar (with Divine Aura). lol
Heya. 38 pages later, i have a new monk, with some sexy armor!

15k sunspear chest legs, and feet- Dyed White
1.5k Kurz Arms- dyed white

15k sunspear chest legs, and feet- Dyed White
1.5k Kurz Arms- dyed white
LiQuId StEeL
In celebration of the unkeyed chests being reset (MONEHS!), I splurged on my Monkie!
Superior Vigors got expensive since the last time I bought one
Superior Vigors got expensive since the last time I bought one

Originally Posted by MerQry
ye thats true - I dont like looking at the ribbon all the time... but at least my monk has really pretty face
. I <3 her and will never delete from my account.
Nobody should tell me my monk sucks because of buns.
My character must be perfect just for me because thats me who looks at it all the time
Definatly agree, cute face on that monkie.
I always regret remaking mine as a factions monk.

Nobody should tell me my monk sucks because of buns.
My character must be perfect just for me because thats me who looks at it all the time

Definatly agree, cute face on that monkie.
I always regret remaking mine as a factions monk.
Maria The Princess
i love this monk face
my monk has the same look but shes a blondie :P
my monk has the same look but shes a blondie :P
Here's my monk, Arala.
Originally Posted by Daenara
Here's my monk, Arala. Cute!!! Love the color on the armor!!
Unlucky Slayer
Just got my monk to HzH like I wanted!

Maria The Princess
i know! i love this armor too 
is it just me or did that hair style become the "new buns" staple look for canthan monks? its cute!

is it just me or did that hair style become the "new buns" staple look for canthan monks? its cute!
Unlucky Slayer
I dont know about the hair style, I chose it cuz I liked it the most of the canthan hairstyles.
Sali Su and co.
Here are my monkies:
Hythly Stoddar with a dye mix on his 1.5K Kurzick

and then i changed it cos i had too many green looking chars...

And then Alonin who is a lil sweety-pie...... who has luekemia (sp!!!)
Hythly Stoddar with a dye mix on his 1.5K Kurzick

and then i changed it cos i had too many green looking chars...

And then Alonin who is a lil sweety-pie...... who has luekemia (sp!!!)