Caster Weapons for a Ritualist

Green Chiken

Green Chiken

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009

From California to Arizona

So i just bought a zodiac shield and axe for my rit to use as caster weapons. i got +30 hp on both but dont know what inscripts to put on them...i have 2 +5 energy upgrades but is that good to put on them?



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


A shield cannot use the +5 energy inscriptions. Here is a link to the wiki page - the shield ones are colored a pinkish lilac.

I would think one of the +armor vs xxx would be best. It depends on the area for the one you would need.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Darcy's link gives you a good list of all the shield possibilities. As for the axe, I'd say the two most useful martial weapon inscriptions for casters are the 5 energy (I have the power) and the 10% HSR (Let the memory live again.) There's also a 10% HCT (Don't think twice) that you could use. It all depends on what bar you're running and what kind of foes you're fighting.

Green Chiken

Green Chiken

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009

From California to Arizona

well i do ab so thats when i use the caster axe and shield

Icy The Mage

Icy The Mage

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2008



If you're using the shield to AB, i would put +10 AL vs piercing or slashing on the shield. As you usually get spiked by assassins or turret rangers (pierce) or pressured by warriors and the warrior shrine (slashing for the most part).



Supastar~ ???

Join Date: May 2006

USA [GMT -7]

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I usually either run a -5e on my sword and I carry around a Piercing, Slashing, Fire and Cripple Shield.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Nice choice on the skin ... I like the zodiac's.

Now usually the first question people are asking is:
"Where do you wanna use it?"

In PvE go for the +5 Energy inscription on the axe and anything +10 damage vs xxx (Prob Piercing or Fire) on the shield really.

Serious PvP is another story. You usually want a -5energy /15% on your weapon set to hide energy. As for shields, you need at least 6 up to 8 of them (vs. each type of damage, vs. etc yada yada).

Now the good news:
You are a ritualist!!
In which case it doesn't really matter anyway since you will be holding ashes 24/7 in almost any half decent build. So your 40/40 sets are what you should focus on, to shorten recharge on your urnes.

Have Fun!

Green Chiken

Green Chiken

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009

From California to Arizona

they are for the looks too ; )



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


dont know why u want to hide your energy other than vsing e-denial, ur just gimping yourself out
Lesbian milf

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

South Africa


I dont see how hiding energy is gimping yourself. As a monk at least I run with 4 different energy sets to make sure I always have something hidden away for an important heal/prot since energy denial is an important part of all pvp.

EDIT: In AB I honestly wouldnt bother hiding energy, its rarely co-ordinated enough to be a problem.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Kindred Order of Souls [KOS]

Negative energy sets can help a ritualist if they're casting while holding and not holding an item spell as their max energy will fluctuate. Any caster does not run into a situation where they have negative energy and have to wait as their energy regens. Back when I first played as a ritualist, I would use a negative energy set to help me get used to my fluctuating energy pool but since then, I've gotten used to it and now use a 40/40 resto set for the obvious reasons.

tl,dr: Weapon switching is key. Run neg. energy sets if facing edenial or run out of energy when using ashes. Otherwise, 40/40 resto + defensive set (shield + weapon).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007




For a shield, cripple mod is a must. I'm trying out the daze mod and find it somewhat useful in RA. Something you might want to try out if you got extra shields but don't know what mod to use.

And yes, energy hide mod is secks. E denial sucks.