Currently, [save yourselves] is too powerful in PvE. I was thinking about how it could be nerfed and I came up with a solution.
Changes: It has 6.66% chance to activate "Kill Yourselves!" instead. Party member receives -66.6 armor for 3..6 seconds.
6.66% chance to activate "Kill Yourselves!" is relatively small and it's a small price to pay for such a overpowered PvE skill.
Nerf to "Save Yourselves!"
SY has been discussed on here already and it's usually ends up not pretty.
Any chance at a party wipe purely due to random chance is too high.
If SY needs a nerf, it'd be a nerf to the armour increase, not giving it a significant (yes, I do think 6% is significant) chance at what may be a practically guaranteed party wipe.
If SY needs a nerf, it'd be a nerf to the armour increase, not giving it a significant (yes, I do think 6% is significant) chance at what may be a practically guaranteed party wipe.
Is this a serious suggestion, or just to try and wind people up? This skill, along with Cry of Pain are the main reasons for taking a paragon or mesmer player with a PuG. Without such skills, those classes will not see so much party action. Putting such a malus on SY will have that effect too. Who wants the chance to insta-party-wipe in DoA?
It also takes half a bar dedicated to skills that allow you to maintain SY! (without cons) so the use of the skill does not come cheap.
And... I like the skill as it is
Is this a serious suggestion, or just to try and wind people up? This skill, along with Cry of Pain are the main reasons for taking a paragon or mesmer player with a PuG. Without such skills, those classes will not see so much party action. Putting such a malus on SY will have that effect too. Who wants the chance to insta-party-wipe in DoA?
It also takes half a bar dedicated to skills that allow you to maintain SY! (without cons) so the use of the skill does not come cheap.
And... I like the skill as it is

heck you might as well just ask to remove it entirely. Noone in their right mind is going to take a skill like that to FOW which they invest 1-2 hours clearing just to die at the end because of one skill.
WTF HOW DARE YOU!! That's all paragons have! ...If you wanna take Save Yourselves out, take out Shadow Form, Evis, and D-shot...You think those classes will be happy?
yay another QQ
And once again, someones bad attempt at humor plummets into the ground.
just make it similar to a buffed watch yourself, i.e. 40...60 bonus armor rather than a flat 100 armor. and also buff tactics, for pve at least.
Guru O Geto
WTF HOW DARE YOU!! That's all paragons have! ...If you wanna take Save Yourselves out, take out Shadow Form, Evis, and D-shot...You think those classes will be happy?
made me laugh, its a warrior skill not para and the fact that so called imbagons use it more often doesnt affect this.
Based on the OP's posting history, it's safe to assume this is just trolling.