Ectos or Zkeys
king swift
I currently am holding 1200zkeys in my storage. I want to know if it would be a better idea to convert them to ectos since zkeys are tanking. Keys are down to 4.2k atm.
Your thoughts.
Your thoughts.
Zkeys may rise at the begining of next month due to the fact people with be recieveing less because of the anet error and people received the double keys. I'f it was me i'd convert to ectos, they always seem to keep around the same price.
It's kinda like the stock market in a way. What you're holding may be worth less than when you got it, so your choice is to either dump it and lose money, or keep it and hope the price goes back up. Or, with zkeys, you can always use them up if you want. People are going to be getting less next month, plus there was a surplus from the snowball at and the double ab weekend, so in the coming few weeks the price will likely go back up again. its a gamble either way.
king swift
What I think Ill do is swap 250 keys for ectos so it will be split a little. Thanks for the advise.
The Air Revenger
switch to lockpicks there always at 1.2k
dr love
I second what Liam says. the keys will go up again next mo, unless its a dwarf tonic (and it will probably be a dwarf tonic).
ectos are much more stable imo, so id store all money in ectos (or lockpicks)
Since no one else here seems to realize this, I'll point it out: the tonics are going to rotate on a yearly basis. The implication of this are that we only have 2 more months of new tonics, which are part of what gives z keys their appeal, especially with most weapon skins being worth shit now. When those start repeating, keys are going to go down even more, and I think that some of the people who stockpiled epicly are realizing this and trying to get out fast.
Ariena Najea
Originally Posted by lordheinous
Since no one else here seems to realize this, I'll point it out: the tonics are going to rotate on a yearly basis. The implication of this are that we only have 2 more months of new tonics, which are part of what gives z keys their appeal, especially with most weapon skins being worth shit now. When those start repeating, keys are going to go down even more, and I think that some of the people who stockpiled epicly are realizing this and trying to get out fast.
Im sure this is probably stupid but is your bank maxed in terms of money/platinum if not max that out and store money on your characters that your sure you wont delete, then when you need either ectos or z-keys you can buy them with the money cause well a plat will always = a plat. just my 2 cents
The forth fly
i would get rid of any Z keys now last night they were down to 4k each the price is only going to go down