To address the concern of "code leaking"--build leaking is done be defection. A guild perhaps makes an ideal build for an area, and as long as everyone is loyal, there's no problem. However, say someone is kicked, or leaves the guild - then spreads the build around with others--we now have it up on pvx. If the guild was completely loyal, and no one ever left the guild, we could come up with a similar statement, that spending hours to create a functional team build would give some players an advantage.
I see this as synonymous to creating code. After all, if everyone using a certan build was loyal, they would not open it up for pug groups, or for people to watch.
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Even people who know how to code will often not want to spend time working on it. I for one want to play the game, not spend hours working on AI coding for 26 heroes on multiple characters. And I vary my hero builds a lot, so I'd be changing them often.
Agreed--I also change my heroes quite a bit. However, code is easy to load. If you don't want to design code for your heroes, you can always pick one off pvx (I assume that people will make modifications all the time to builds, as the point of a wiki style site). Or, you can use default AI created by ANet. However, the trick is that, in the event that that you wanted to say, only use P&H on one character, you could program the hero to do that, rather than super microing everything.
To solve the problem of interrupts, it can always be set serverside, to create a delay as a function of the player's ping, or some generally accepted ping time. I honestly don't think this is an issue.
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
If you know what it is you are talking about, how long would it take for Anet to implement something like this? How many man-hours, how much money? Yep, something they won't even consider. And that is without looking into the idea that for an AI coding change, things would have to change client side. Not the same as a build/armor template at all. Yep, hacks would love this chance.
Actually, I doubt this would take very much effort at all. Since for Heroes to work with AI already, they need to have an engine for them to run on, certain features like "cast.spell" or something would already be there. The trick then, is to create a feature that lets you link uploaded code to the actual functionality. Given one or two people who know the code, me and my volunteer dev team for another project, could probably put the basics together in less than a week, working a few hours a day. The interfacing and security details may take a little longer, but I don't see it as much of a problem. Again, the functionality is already there - we just need to link it. It's not like we're building something completely from scratch.
Also, refuting the "asocial aspect of heroes" - there are simply not as many doing things as there was, when GW first came out. For most missions, you'll be lucky to find even one other person doing it, while before, it was pretty hard not to be invited into a group as a monk. Yes, given a full team, I would rather run with real competent people than with heroes, since I don't enjoy playing by myself. However, there are things that I'd like to get done, and people are not always around. Since the alternative to heroes (no heroes) is worse than having heroes, I vote that even if there are problems, heroes need to stay.
Concerning hacking - I honestly don't see ANY way that this can be exploited. On script non-existance or breakage, there could easily be a command to stop, or do something default. Uploading code is exactly the same as loading up a template. With a template, you give the server an arrangement of skills via a template code, which the server translates into skill #s, and loads them up in appropriate slots. In either case, however the server parses it, you're still uploading information. Hell, even when I type a message, I'm uploading information.