While waiting for a battle....
I just thought that since sometimes it takes so long to get into a pvp match, especially Alliance Battles, that maybe we could get a few faction and Balthazar points for every 30 seconds we have to wait to get in. It can be small enough not to matter to much, but at least it will provide some incentive to not bail and do something that is actually playing the game instead of sitting in a chat room with a 30 second timer.
Free points, so I'm not going to complain.
i like the sound of that. but it would have to be a small amount otherwise you'd get people dropping out say on the 3rd time around and then re entering just for faction. So it would have to be a number that is smaller than what you would earn on average within 30 seconds of playing an AB..which wouldnt be much at all. So i like the sound of this
Longest loop ive been stuck in was 15...When we did finally enter, i got reported for leeching because i got bored n went to watch tv n forgot about GW xD good times....
Longest loop ive been stuck in was 15...When we did finally enter, i got reported for leeching because i got bored n went to watch tv n forgot about GW xD good times....
...What? You want to reward people for doing...nothing?
No thanks.
No thanks.
It's an interesting idea, but a flawed one, I think. People should play pvp matches because they like it, not to farm points. It could be abused in ways that could make it much worse. Let's say there are Balth farmers who don't want to actually play pvp matches right? So they join in the queue when it's hard to get in with the intent that they'll get a good bit of free faction before the match begins. Then they leave after they get in and hop back into the queue.
Like I said it would be a small amount. So say the average battle lasts 5 minutes and nets you say 100 Balthazar points (I'm just making this up to use as an example by the way). So if you had to wait 5 minutes in town, you got maybe 16 points (2 points per 30 seconds). It is nothing compared to actually playing, but still gets you something while waiting bored out of your mind. Apply that to Alliance Battles where you are more likely to get someone who bales on the group if the wait is longer than 3 minutes and it would make things a slightly bit more bearable.I want to throw people a slight bone for wanting to play but being unable to because the game keeps throwing the "Can't find opposing party" message at them.
...What? You want to reward people for doing...nothing?
No thanks. |
No thanks.
There definitely needs to be something done during the wait times. This probably isn't the best option, but it's a decent idea.
...What? You want to reward people for doing...nothing?
No thanks. |
waiting for a match to start is an action that you are performing
seriously though, I have quited severla times because while waiting for an opposing team I thought I bet go vanq or do something else rather than wasting my time waiting.
What about Hall of Heroes restarts? Two 11 minutes restarts aren't fun, I want my free fames!
1 faction awarded for every 5 minutes of wait time..... maybe. If you can't wait long enough to enter the battle, there are other option that allow you to gain Faction. Zaishen Elite has long waiting times I hear, try that out.
Nathaniel (Was 'ere)
Something has to be done during wait times, of course, but definitely not that.
Something has to be done during wait times, of course, but definitely not that.
...What? You want to punish people for trying to play...the game?
No thanks. |
I want to throw people a slight bone for wanting to play but being unable to because the game keeps throwing the "Can't find opposing party" message at them. |
"Oh... I entered... better going back to wait..."
Some kind of minigame like tic tac toe to play with others would make more sense.
Points should be given for doing something.
Some kind of minigame like tic tac toe to play with others would make more sense.
Points should be given for doing something.
I also think I should get 100g every time I kill a Whiptail Devour.
They should also drop Celestial Essences because I don't want to be punished for not killing Star Lights.
They should also drop Celestial Essences because I don't want to be punished for not killing Star Lights.
Reverend Dr
Getting something for just sitting around is the attitude behind leechers.
SO not only will leechers get points in the battle but in the outpost too.
GOOD IDEA!! - Make team of 4 - leech - profit!
GOOD IDEA!! - Make team of 4 - leech - profit!
Hanging Man
/not signed
why do you deserve points for waiting?
I like the tic tac toe idea, that sounds fun
why do you deserve points for waiting?
I like the tic tac toe idea, that sounds fun
I also think I should get 100g every time I kill a Whiptail Devour.
They should also drop Celestial Essences because I don't want to be punished for not killing Star Lights. |
Getting something for just sitting around is the attitude behind leechers.
Stop The Storm
interesting idea, unsure of free faction though, maybe something else
Spike Stritter
i know!
while waiting a pop up window appears where u play pac-man for faction!
200 faction for strawberries!
while waiting a pop up window appears where u play pac-man for faction!
200 faction for strawberries!
And if you have a better idea Arkantos I would like to here it. |
Rewards during loading screens could be abused client-side.
All they needed to do is to increase the factions reward from finishing a match. When HFFF was nerfed the reasoning was that the factions for everything else was increased to compensate. Yet, Anet didn't take into account the long wait time needed to enter the battle, making all the PvP places inferior options to the extremely boring vanquishing. I would've thought that winning in PvP takes far greater skills than both vanquishing and HFFF and yet the factions doesn't even come close to the rate of those two.
Zodiac Meteor
What about Hall of Heroes restarts? Two 11 minutes restarts aren't fun, I want my free fames! |
Well, leechers are a problem, but this will add MORE leechers.
I can see people getting in a team of BiP's bots and throw the match as soon as it starts. Go back to outpost and go again.
Tic-tac-toe would be good. Better if we can gain faction for playing and more faction for winning tic tac toe. 5 faction for playing and 10 faction for winning. 1 tic-tac-toe game per 30 second interval.
spirit of defeat
It doesn't help killing time you still do nothing :S
It doesn't help killing time you still do nothing :S