Xunlai Storage boxes that need to be moved.
I posted this as an after-thought in another thread, but it contibuted to my annoyance about said thread, so I removed it from there and felt that I needed to make a new post about it here. Search on this topic brought up a few posts about this but only as examples, not as the actual problem.
The Xunlai chest in Vasburg Armory is too far away from anywhere you would need access to it. You dont zone into the town anywhere near it, it cant even been seen from the main area merchants or armourer. And inevitably, every time I am in that town, someone is asking where it is in Local Chat. Either it needs to be moved so people can find it better, or another one should be added some place closer to civilization.
Im sure there are probably other towns with similar problems, but this is the one that always gets my goat. Are there any others?
The Xunlai chest in Vasburg Armory is too far away from anywhere you would need access to it. You dont zone into the town anywhere near it, it cant even been seen from the main area merchants or armourer. And inevitably, every time I am in that town, someone is asking where it is in Local Chat. Either it needs to be moved so people can find it better, or another one should be added some place closer to civilization.
Im sure there are probably other towns with similar problems, but this is the one that always gets my goat. Are there any others?
The Armory is quite big, indeed.
There should be one Chest near the Crafter, and another one visible from the NPC that gives the next Primary Quest.
Either that or map icons showing the location of things like doors, NPCs and the chest.
There should be one Chest near the Crafter, and another one visible from the NPC that gives the next Primary Quest.
Either that or map icons showing the location of things like doors, NPCs and the chest.
Agree with the OP. Centralizing the Xunlai and the skill trainer with the other NPCs in Vasburg would help that place alot. In the span of a few minutes last night I had several people ask where storage was.
merchants and storage chests imo should always be next to each other. Those are the main 2 npcs used most.
Petra Arkanian
agree with op - why wouldn't you have storage ane merch next to each other
Also restore the storage to its original place in fisherman's, why on earth did they move it to the island - the most romantic spot in the game, we don't need an NPC looking at us ^^
Also restore the storage to its original place in fisherman's, why on earth did they move it to the island - the most romantic spot in the game, we don't need an NPC looking at us ^^
Antares Ascending
Agreed!! I just map into a smaller outpost with an easy to get to chest.
Dunno if it realy saves time but it isn't so tedious
Dunno if it realy saves time but it isn't so tedious
I quite agree with this. There isn't an actual good reason for the Xunlai NPCs in Vasburg, Gate of Torment (or whatever it's called), etc. to be where they are. Honestly, I prefer my NPCs to be closer together. In Kaineng, the NPCs are also all a little far from the rest of the merchants.
Karis Sival
Even if it's not a relocation, multiple locations would also work. Droknar's is no where near mats traders etc... annoying at best.
Lord Of Blame
Better yet...Make it just like the inventory. Tie it to a key or have an icon for it. Problem solved.
Joseph Leito
As long as it can still only be accessed from town, otherwise it eliminates the point of the storage and they could just expand inventories.
Vasburg Armory has a Xunlai Chest? 
/signed!!! Move the thing closer to civilization so that it's in view of other NPCs.
And while you're at it, please move the Xunlai Chests in Henge of Denravi closer, too!

/signed!!! Move the thing closer to civilization so that it's in view of other NPCs.
And while you're at it, please move the Xunlai Chests in Henge of Denravi closer, too!
Add more chests to Gate of Torment, please. I remember running to and fro up and down the winding trails trying to find the chest there. It's still annoying. Ditto for the others listed here.
that place is a mess... I can't ever find anything there... at least ANet had the sense to put the hero skills trainer in a decent place (about the only thing I go there for)
Gate of Torment needs moved too
Lorien Farcry
definitely agree on the Gate of Torment, what's the point in having to search for the storage chests?
ahh the running to storage... Over all those years I've wasted many full HOURS on that. Now using Sugary Blue Drinks to make the run 50% faster, lols, wish Sweet Tooth was account-based so I could do that with all chars.
Agree that Chest in Vasburg Armory needs to be moved - worst location of all, 2nd being Droknar's.
Agree that Chest in Vasburg Armory needs to be moved - worst location of all, 2nd being Droknar's.
pumpkin pie
They should just make it that every time you zone into town, your character appears beside the xunlai boxes or better still, remembers where you "park" your characters. might have data/server issues. It would be even better if they are not blocking the ways. Hate npcs who stand beside stairway, and also how you cannot \+spacebar(or skill) after speaking to informants(or others) at the res shrines.
Actually /not signed because as much as I hate looking for those NPC's in a town, it kinda make the game a tiny bit more interesting. just make sure they are not blocking the way.
Actually /not signed because as much as I hate looking for those NPC's in a town, it kinda make the game a tiny bit more interesting. just make sure they are not blocking the way.
Spike Stritter
taking 15 seconds to walk to the xunlai chest is SRSBUSNES
taking 15 seconds to walk to the xunlai chest is SRSBUSNES
/signed. Some are just way too annoyingly far away - Vasburg Armoury being a perfect example.
Signed. I would add some guild halls to the list. Mostly those you cannot easily get from chest to merchant like echovald one.
Storage should be where the most NPCs are. I really don't see why the storage in armory/gate of torment are so far away from everything. They added storage to shing jea, no reason not to add storage to these outposts.
Sorry but what? How is zoning into an outpost, searching for storage on the other side of the outpost, then running back to the NPCs interesting? I want to play Guild Wars, not find the hidden storage.
Actually /not signed because as much as I hate looking for those NPC's in a town, it kinda make the game a tiny bit more interesting. just make sure they are not blocking the way. |
pumpkin pie
Storage should be where the most NPCs are. I really don't see why the storage in armory/gate of torment are so far away from everything. They added storage to shing jea, no reason not to add storage to these outposts.
Sorry but what? How is zoning into an outpost, searching for storage on the other side of the outpost, then running back to the NPCs interesting? I want to play Guild Wars, not find the hidden storage. |
That argument falls apart the instant you have to return to an outpost, or visit it on another character. Then it is just a needless hassle, one which ANet has already addressed for other towns/outposts, like Shing Jea, Lion's Arch, Kamadan, Kaineng Center, etc.