just refer to worlds.com by an accurate term, like “un-named patent troll.” |
The best thing anyone here can do is nothing. I'm sure NCSoft has hired or retains legal representation that it feels is competent and fully armed to fight this battle on their behalf. While it's all well and good that we have our opinions, the most anyone here should be doing is relaying the facts of the case and their personal opinions on the matter - with the understanding that it's their OPINION - to other people.
Writing or speaking opinionated statements in a factual manner about some other person or business risks accusations of libel or slander. Making statements of fact or appearing to provide advice about legal matters when you're not certified to do so can land you in trouble in many jurisdictions. Intentionally harming another person's business can, likewise, bring you trouble.
NCSoft got this 'yo. Just let the lawyers do their things. If you really feel compelled to get involved, write out a well-reasoned opinion and stick to the facts of the matter. If it really is an ugly or petty lawsuit, other people will see it for what it really is on their own by simply reviewing the facts and you won't have to resort to attacks, name-calling, or theatrics to convince anyone.