XTH Voting - Technical Issues - Feb 19
Regina Buenaobra
I was just told by our team here that there are a few technical issues with the ladder database, so voting is suspended at the moment.
If you voted between 14:00 and 17:06 Pacific time (that is 2:00pm - 5:06pm, for people who aren't used to the 24-hour clock), and you had duplicate predictions, you will need to re-submit your votes without duplicates later, when voting is back up.
We're very sorry for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to restore functionality.
If you have concerns about your account, please direct these questions to our Customer Support Team.
If you voted between 14:00 and 17:06 Pacific time (that is 2:00pm - 5:06pm, for people who aren't used to the 24-hour clock), and you had duplicate predictions, you will need to re-submit your votes without duplicates later, when voting is back up.
We're very sorry for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to restore functionality.
If you have concerns about your account, please direct these questions to our Customer Support Team.
pumpkin pie
Thank you Ms Regina. so its still only Feb19. 2 more days.
Icy The Mage
Yeah I noticed that, I arrowed over and saw the same names again. Didn't think anything of it though, and just voted normally.
Eragon Zarroc
lol, i definately hope it comes up soon
Drop of Fear
is it working now right? placed predictions and it seems they got accepted and registered.
made my bets just fine. for those interested:
1. rawr - (rebel rising)
2. BOSS - (on ne plaisant pas)
3. KMD - (kamadan)
4. dP - (dangerous pumpkins)
5. StP - (steel phoenix)
6. badv - (one build wonder)
7. no honor
8. zero (survival rate)
Hadshi Teh Ranger
Yoshi Better Than U
I Am Massacre
The Getaway Special
Takeshi Kurodo
Bruce L Invincible
My Stef
1. rawr - (rebel rising)
2. BOSS - (on ne plaisant pas)
3. KMD - (kamadan)
4. dP - (dangerous pumpkins)
5. StP - (steel phoenix)
6. badv - (one build wonder)
7. no honor
8. zero (survival rate)
Hadshi Teh Ranger
Yoshi Better Than U
I Am Massacre
The Getaway Special
Takeshi Kurodo
Bruce L Invincible
My Stef
Sir Skullcrasher
I have a funny feeling that Rebel Rising will be number 1 on GvG! lol
Well I made my predictions, hopefully I can get them right this time. Last try, only got 30 points!
Well I made my predictions, hopefully I can get them right this time. Last try, only got 30 points!
made my bets just fine. for those interested:
GvG 1. rawr - (rebel rising) 2. BOSS - (on ne plaisant pas) 3. KMD - (kamadan) 4. dP - (dangerous pumpkins) 5. StP - (steel phoenix) 6. badv - (one build wonder) 7. no honor 8. zero (survival rate) 1v1 Hadshi Teh Ranger Yoshi Better Than U I Am Massacre The Getaway Special Takeshi Kurodo Bruce L Invincible Sama My Stef |
Ok, Sjeng - I'm holding you personally responsible if I don't make at least 180 points!!!
Regina Buenaobra
This specific bug was fixed. In the end it affected a very small number of players. If you were affected (i.e. if you were able to vote for the same candidate more than once during the time specified in the OP), you will need to vote again.
Hey, I just want to take the time, even though i'm not active in the PvP scene here, nor very active on the forums; though I do play PvE every so often. But I really appreciate the extra effort that the ArenaNet staff heve been taking to add more transparancy of what's going on for the players.
did they extend the voting for another day? to compensate and why isnt this posted on the main guildwars.com?
did they extend the voting for another day? to compensate and why isnt this posted on the main guildwars.com?
But yeah, this should be posted on the main site, or at least on the Xunlai House page itself.
made my bets just fine. for those interested:
GvG 1. rawr - (rebel rising) 2. BOSS - (on ne plaisant pas) 3. KMD - (kamadan) 4. dP - (dangerous pumpkins) 5. StP - (steel phoenix) 6. badv - (one build wonder) 7. no honor 8. zero (survival rate) 1v1 Hadshi Teh Ranger Yoshi Better Than U I Am Massacre The Getaway Special Takeshi Kurodo Bruce L Invincible Sama My Stef |
Doesn't really seem to make a difference how I vote. Each month, I get 105 points on all 3 of my accounts.
Sir Skullcrasher
Well i voted like 3 days ago, hopefully this error didn't erase my votes. I login last night and everything still there.
Aussie Boy
Made my predictions all went well. 
I just hope I get points this month cause of the double points mix up last month.

I just hope I get points this month cause of the double points mix up last month.
obsidian ectoplasm
made my bets just fine. for those interested:
GvG 1. rawr - (rebel rising) 2. BOSS - (on ne plaisant pas) 3. KMD - (kamadan) 4. dP - (dangerous pumpkins) 5. StP - (steel phoenix) 6. badv - (one build wonder) 7. no honor 8. zero (survival rate) 1v1 Hadshi Teh Ranger Yoshi Better Than U I Am Massacre The Getaway Special Takeshi Kurodo Bruce L Invincible Sama My Stef |
nice preds, I am doing the same, should go well, GL all.