Hey guys,
so i own prophecies, factions, and eotn and i recently purchased a new computer. wouldit be an issue if i installed he cds on my new computer and used the same key to start playing gw again, or what exactly is the procedure from here?
thanks a bunch,
Computer Switch
You can install GW on as many computers as you like, no CD keys needed for the installation.
The CD keys are only used for creating a user account, and can only be used for that process once. If you've used your keys to create an account in the past, just install GW on the new PC and access your old account with the username (email address) and password that you used previously. If you can't remember your old username/password you'll need to get in contact with NCsoft support most likely.
The CD keys are only used for creating a user account, and can only be used for that process once. If you've used your keys to create an account in the past, just install GW on the new PC and access your old account with the username (email address) and password that you used previously. If you can't remember your old username/password you'll need to get in contact with NCsoft support most likely.
okay sounds great!
thanks for the quick reply
thanks for the quick reply
Elder III
you can even download the game client from www.guildwars.com for free from anywhere in teh world and if you have your password and account name you can play it... on any computer.

Wrath Of Dragons
Also, if you have a low bandwidth connection, or just dont want to bother downloading again, you can go into your guildwars program folder and copy the gw.dat file to the same place in the new computer after you have installed. Just put it on a flashdrive or burn it onto a dvd.
If you have a fast connection, you might as well just redownload it. I recommend running the game the first time using the -image command.
If you have a fast connection, you might as well just redownload it. I recommend running the game the first time using the -image command.