can i add a guild wars activation key onto my trials account?
i am currently using a guild wars trial account and it'll end soon and i'm just wondering when it ends can i add the actual game key onto it and have all the stuff i currently have
I think you just have to login to the game as you do at the moment, then either buy the game from the online store or you can then add a retail key using the option. It will then add that game to your account, keeping your current characters.
If you want to keep playing with the characters you have created then you'll need to buy the campaign that they started in, until then you'll probably just have a message at the character screen saying that they're unavailable.
If you want to keep playing with the characters you have created then you'll need to buy the campaign that they started in, until then you'll probably just have a message at the character screen saying that they're unavailable.
short answer: yesh
Should be noted that you'll only be able to play your trial characters if they are made in the same campaigns as the retail keys you add. A ranger made in Proph during the trial, for example, will remain locked if the only key you add to your account is the NF retail key.
of course you can! how poorly designed would it be to start a game and then be forced to start over once the trial ends.
Thanks everyone
If you buy a campaign that's not the one your playing with the trial, make sure you dump all your items / $$ in your Xunlai Chest before your trial ends. It's shared between all players on your account, otherwise you won't have access to them since you can't join as that player.
if i upgrade the trial account buying Pvp access Kit Skills will be kept too? if i play the 10 hours with a ranger, for example, his skills will be available if i upgrade trial account buyin pvp access kit instead a campaign?