White and black


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2009

Please, post here some screens if you have characters like that and some free time ;]
I would like to know how looks:

1. Elementalist Female: white hair/fair skin/white dyed armor.
2. Paragon Female: white hair/fair skin/white dyed armor/wings ;]

I`d like to make some kind of angel and dont know how would it look.
I think paragon will look more angel-like but i didnt see anything like that yet.

Oh, and if you have some, id like to see:

3. Elementalist Female: black hair/fair skin/black dyed armor.
4. Paragon Female: black hair/fair skin/black dyed armor.

Thx ;]



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008

Connoisseurs of Confectionaries [cake]


here's some pics of my super-pale ele:

these in white asuran-

this is a mix of tyrian with the ascalon skirt, it's actually dyed silver but it looks exactly the same as white on these two sets-