I have seen a few threads in these Forums where the writer gives their Guild Wars character's biography. I love the idea of being creative and thinking up a backround for your favorite Guild Wars characters. I have not seen anybody create a thread dedicated to character biographies, so here it is : "Lyssa's Library"! Anybody who wants to can post their character's biography in this thread. I can't wait to see the creative ideas that will turn up in this thread. Enjoy!
Captain Ghrakk
If this looks familiar to any of you, I wrote most of this biography a while ago as my submission to a contest. However, I have added a little of my character's (Captain Ghrakk) history. Anyway, I hope you like it

His flesh, scarred and callussed from battles of the past,
His eyes set like obsidian stones in his weathered, riggid face,
His gaze can ignite a flare of fear in even the roughest of creatures,
His mouth a firm, unwavering line,
His body, a hulking mass of muscle,
Weathered, battle-torn Istan armor covors his huge body,
His tough hands grip the leather haft of his Murukai's Reaver, stained with blood and rigidly deformed,
He walks with a stride of power, his expression menacing,
He has slain beasts and dieties of unimaginable power, yet he never grumbles a gloat or brag,
The king of fury,
The prince of strength,
His name...Captain Ghrakk
Captain Ghrakk grew up in a small village on the eastern coast of Elona. He grew up durring the time of the Great Drought. His childhood was rough; he lived in a simple mud hut and had to scavenge for food in the dying forests. He grew up alone as an orphan, for his father died a victom of the Desert Plague, and his mother died when he was five years old. Due to the lack of experienced warriors in his village, Ghrakk taught himself in the ways of the warrior. Despite the harsh conditions of his youth, Ghrakk was strong and surprisingly independant and managed to survive the Great Drought, which finally ended when he was 6. The Drought had claimed many of the lives in his small village, untill finally Ghrakk was the only survivor. Ghrakk then trecked north (at the age of 7) untill after many days and nights he came to a small village by the name of Mossville. When Ghrakk arrived at the village, he was nearly dead from starvation and thirst, but an elder monk by the name of Sho Brightheart healed him and took Ghrakk under his wing. Ghrakk was very fond of Sho and thought of him not only as a mentor, but a father. Sho taught Ghrakk the ways of the monk, taking him out every afternoon to the small swamp on the outskirts of the village to heal injured birds and frogs. Numerous animals had taken refuge in Mossville, under the protection of the elder monks. Ghrakk was forced to flee the village when he was 9 when the village was invaded and destroyed by a fleet of Corsairs. He escaped to the west, where he came upon the grand kingdom of Vabbi. Ghrakk lived on the streets of the city, poor, hungry, and helpless, and was soon, like the other orphans of the city, drafted for the Vabbian Order. Ghrakk was a strong warrior, his expertice in healing and his surprising strength and endurance soon got him promoted to Captain within his first month of training. When Captain Ghrakk was 25, he left Vabbi with his few bellongings: His weathered shadow axe and his General's suit of Istan armor. His adventures became known to the people of Elona after he had slain many great beasts and soon he was known and feared throughout all the land. By the time that he was thirty, the social world referred to him as "Captain Ghrakk the Furious". When Captain Ghrakk was 31 he was exploring the Hidden City of Ahdashim, when he came upon a wounded Jahai Rat who had been attacked by a swarm of Rain Beetles. Ghrakk had been fond of animals ever since his training in the swamps of Mossville and with his skill in healing helped the rat recover. When the rat had regained its health it refused to leave Ghrakk's side, and Ghrakk thoughtfully named it Whisper. Ever since that day, Captain Ghrakk and Whisper have been fond companions. Captain Ghrakk the Furious and Whisper the Jahai Rat can still to this day, on rare occassions, be spotted adventuring through the depths of Elona.
Captain Ghrakk is a strong, menacing warrior. His childhood greatly shaped his personality, giving him an intimidating presence. He does not remember the feeling of happyness or love. All he knows is pain and suffering. Captain Ghrakk quickly decided,after he had watched Mossville burn, that love and happyness was not a luxury, but a burden. He realized that he had left himself vulnerable by loving and by being enchanted with the luxury of joy. Captain Ghrakk does not pitty the poor or envy the rich. He does not hesitate to slay the helpless, as the pains of his childhood never once hesitated to reap him of luck. His gaze is cold and dark, unforgiving and hapless. Captain Ghrakk is considered by some to be a hero, while he is considered by others to be a beast. Captain Ghrakk walks his own road, unaffected by the thoughts of others.
Personal Quote:
"...You may call me heartless,
You may call me cruel,
But I call you coward..."(Signature phrase)
~ ><> Mr. Fish