Zaishen Chest Drops - Party Points
Icy The Mage
So the Zaishen Chest drops Flasks of Firewater and Crème Brûlées (each of which give you 3 points towards their respective titles), but gives nothing of equal value for party points.
Sure, one might get the occasional monthly tonic (2 points), but they will get a much greater abundance of the other 2 title tracks' points. Add to this, the fact that both sweet tooth points and drunkard points can be achieved year round (at many year round events, as well as bought from the merchant if you're a slight bit off), and you get one really hard to get title.
The fact that there is no "cap" that you can base the party points on also makes it a ridiculously expensive title.
So I propose that the Zaishen Chest drop (in equal ratios of firewater and crèmes) Crates of Fireworks, or an equivalent item that gives out 3 party points.
Discuss and improve the idea as much as you want! ^^
Sure, one might get the occasional monthly tonic (2 points), but they will get a much greater abundance of the other 2 title tracks' points. Add to this, the fact that both sweet tooth points and drunkard points can be achieved year round (at many year round events, as well as bought from the merchant if you're a slight bit off), and you get one really hard to get title.
The fact that there is no "cap" that you can base the party points on also makes it a ridiculously expensive title.
So I propose that the Zaishen Chest drop (in equal ratios of firewater and crèmes) Crates of Fireworks, or an equivalent item that gives out 3 party points.
Discuss and improve the idea as much as you want! ^^
I dont see an issue with adding Firework crates to the Zchest. Since ales and sweets can be bought from traders, the party animal is a hard title to achieve and this would help. And the tonics which do drop, and add to this title, are so infrequent as to be a laughable source to help.
I dont see an issue with adding Firework crates to the Zchest. Since ales and sweets can be bought from traders, the party animal is a hard title to achieve and this would help. And the tonics which do drop, and add to this title, are so infrequent as to be a laughable source to help.
Skye Marin
I would agree, only if the fireworks drop percentage cuts into the alcohol and sweets percentage. No sense in making rare things rarer, just so you can be spending 5k on a few Party Points.
/notsigned because wasting a zkey on a creme brulee or firewater is absurd enough as it is. the last thing we need is yet another crappy and common door prize to fall out of that chest! however, i think it would be fair to bump up the party points you get from the tonics to 3, so it is in par with creme and firewater.
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
/agree with rohara, sounds like the best option to me.
/signed for her idea. tonics should be more than the other tonics because of the infrequency of their drops.
/signed for her idea. tonics should be more than the other tonics because of the infrequency of their drops.
Icy The Mage
So what you guys are saying is pretty much increase the drop-rate of the tonics, in return, decreasing the drop-rate of the alcohol/sweets to make room for it, and increase the points to 3? That sounds like a pretty good idea, but anything to make this darn grind title harder would be nice

Hmm what about tonics? Their drop rate is not amazing but you do get party points from Z-chest. However as it was said above if the drop rate for tonics increases and only drop rates of alkohol and sweets go down then I fully agree with the idea.
/notsigned because wasting a zkey on a creme brulee or firewater is absurd enough as it is. the last thing we need is yet another crappy and common door prize to fall out of that chest! however, i think it would be fair to bump up the party points you get from the tonics to 3, so it is in par with creme and firewater.
For the above and a small suggestion to that ,
because indeed a zkey for a brulee is absurd.
If they want to drop brulee or fire water. let them give us atleast 3 per key.
Than it would be some more in ballance.
Slash From The Shadows
/agree about increase the drop rate of tonics and decrease drop rate for flasks and cremes, and increase the number of drunkard/sweet tooth / party animal items dropping to let's say about 3-5, because right now, even the title isn't realy worth oppening Zchest, because drops will be most likely cheep golds / 1 title item.
/signed for what i just said.
/signed for what i just said.
Ah well, the Zchest already drops the Everlasting Mischievous Tonic, and last I heard, it gives you 2 points upon use too. Don't know if this is intended though, so more Party stuff would be appreciated.
Eragon Zarroc
slightly decrease the amount of sweet and alcohol that drops and add in party points. that way the three drop proportional to one another but in no way decreases the % chances for other drops.
slightly decrease the amount of sweet and alcohol that drops and add in party points. that way the three drop proportional to one another but in no way decreases the % chances for other drops.
I would rather see them increase the tonics to 3pts, and then level the 3 items drop rates to equal to each other, preferably less than they currently drop, but then it wouldn't be like a lottery ticket each time if you got great items each time. What would be fun, is that there would be sums of money that would drop from the chest. 100k or something much like a lotto
Drop Rate = 25% Flask 25% Creme 50% other so you wanna make the other chance 25% and a crap tonic 25% ? You can trade Flask and Creme with other players for party animal items -.-
Being mainly a PvP reward chest, it should drop Crates of Fireworks.
Play PvP -> Win -> Get keys -> Get crates -> Party in your Guild Hall.
Play PvP -> Win -> Get keys -> Get crates -> Party in your Guild Hall.
Icy The Mage
No, what I'm suggesting is decreasing the drop rates of both other points, meaning you would have aproximately a 17% chance to get a firewater, 17% chance to get a creme, and a 17% chance to get a crate = 50% ish chance
/not signed
People should realise the 3 consumable titles are different and aren't just mirror copies of each other. The means of obtaining them are different, different events have different items that add points to different titles, and Party points aren't easily available all over the year (no merchants)
And Crates of Fireworks are special unique rewards for completing all dishes for the celestial animal, if they dropped all year round in large quantities from z-chest they obviosuly wouldn't be any special anymore.
Logically they would make some sense as Z-Chest drops, but then they shouldn't be as common as Firewaters/Cremes, they have just too awesome effect to be a common drop. But talking about awesome effect, they would then make sense to add more points than just 3. It's a freakin' massive 10 minutes fireworks display, how that compares to 3 Bottle Rockets pfft pfft pfft? And actually having crates as rare (~1%, only slightly reducing Flasks/Cremes rates) drops and making them give 10 Party points would increase average Title Points per ZKey used (marginally), where equal drop rates but keeping 3points/crate wouldn't.
But then obviously the Canthan New Year would need something different as special unique rewards - who can come up with a good worthy idea for one?
People should realise the 3 consumable titles are different and aren't just mirror copies of each other. The means of obtaining them are different, different events have different items that add points to different titles, and Party points aren't easily available all over the year (no merchants)
And Crates of Fireworks are special unique rewards for completing all dishes for the celestial animal, if they dropped all year round in large quantities from z-chest they obviosuly wouldn't be any special anymore.
Logically they would make some sense as Z-Chest drops, but then they shouldn't be as common as Firewaters/Cremes, they have just too awesome effect to be a common drop. But talking about awesome effect, they would then make sense to add more points than just 3. It's a freakin' massive 10 minutes fireworks display, how that compares to 3 Bottle Rockets pfft pfft pfft? And actually having crates as rare (~1%, only slightly reducing Flasks/Cremes rates) drops and making them give 10 Party points would increase average Title Points per ZKey used (marginally), where equal drop rates but keeping 3points/crate wouldn't.
But then obviously the Canthan New Year would need something different as special unique rewards - who can come up with a good worthy idea for one?