Hi, Ok i have recently come back to GW after a year long break.
And i have had trouble with taking screen shots.
I press the screen shot button.. but nothing happens..
There is also no "Screen Shot" folder in ght GW folder.
Im trying to figure out whats wrong with it.
Im using Windows Vista, Maybe its something to do with button command ingame?
Please help me, As i kind of need to be able to do screenies for guru, when i sell high end stuff. Thanks
GW Screen Shots
the eaglewing
Vista stores your screen shots(and templates) elsewhere. It should be in C:\Users\"Your Username"\Documents\Guild Wars.
Icy The Mage
If it's not saying that your screenshot was saved or anything, then I don't know what's wrong, but if it's at least saying, "saved C:\___\__\___.Gw001.jpg" or whatever, then you can follow that link through your computer to where it's saved. If you're using a laptop or small keyboard of sorts, then you may also need to hold down the FN (Function key) and hit the Print Screen button. Cheers

Check and see what hotkey you have assigned for screenshot.
If you are using the correct button and it still doesn't work, try making it another hotkey
Check and see what hotkey you have assigned for screenshot.
If you are using the correct button and it still doesn't work, try making it another hotkey

Could also try something else to capture them... I use SnagIt since JPEG compression = instant fail.
the eaglewing
Ah i got it thanks.. i reassigned it back to the correct button.. it wasnt assigned for some reason o.O.
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