The Mimic
The mimics are a player class where to Mimics act as one. Mimic works in pairs, giving true meaning to coop play. Mimics use timing to combine two different spells into a new more powerful incantation.
The Mimic utilizes timing and sync between a pair of players to unleash devastating spells and melee attacks together. Mimics utilize timing agility and sync to increase the effectiveness of their attacks and spells, gaining bonuses for successful coordination. This class utilizes spells, hexes, ranged attacks and stances. The Mimic is mute and cannot speak nor shout and therefore having the ability to inflict the same.
Class Role
Armor Level
Caster Armor, 60 AL
Energy Level
High Energy, 30 Energy, 4 Energy Regen (Caster Energy)
Mimicry: Damage and Energy Bonuses for successful timing and Usage of spells with fellow Mimics
Combine: Target Other Mimic. Next Cast Spell combines with Target Other Mimic’s spell and provides bonuses
Familiar: Summon forth a Familiar to support Party Members
Secrecy: Target Other Ally’s presence from foes for 2…5 seconds
Pale Skin
Glowing Eyes
Range Type
Weapon types:
Combat Rings
Magical Gloves
Tarot Cards
Armor Type:
Mask on one half of their face
Long ornate gowns
The Mimic
that actually sounds cool, like an offshoot mesmer, wouldit copy ally's attacks like echos, and mirror enemies attacks against them? would be nice to see some abstract armor like masks again
Seems like a really nice idea! I like the whole "sinc" thing. Maybe if they cast two opposite spells, they combine to form a big damage dealer!
Archress Shayleigh
It's really cool, pretty close to a twisted mesmer, but hell that's a cool idea!
what happens if theres only 1 mimic in the group?
or what happens if 1 of the mimic dies?
or what happens if 1 of the mimic dies?
From what I figure, they would have normal skills that they could use on their own but also have skills that revolve around sync'ing and utilization of timed activation 
Like the relations between two or more paragons. One Mimic would be a strong ally but two together feed off of their own skills and timed skill activation.

Like the relations between two or more paragons. One Mimic would be a strong ally but two together feed off of their own skills and timed skill activation.