The Crystal Snowflake Scam
Karate Jesus
Is there anything Anet can do about this scam? I've seen it 4 times today, most of them by bots.
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hmm doubt theyre just having a joke
Karate Jesus
No, I pretended to want one to see what they'd do and they tried to sell it to me. Then I pretended to have one (to the guy who was buying) and he said he had one already.
It's a pretty common scam, I'm just amazed that nothing seems to happen with it
It's a pretty common scam, I'm just amazed that nothing seems to happen with it
submit there names with a ticket and hope they ban those kids soon.
what happens in the actual scam?
A person sees that a guy wants to buy one for a high sum, and conveniently, another person is selling one "cheap". Basically, the person buys the cheap one to sell to the guy wanting to buy it for the high sum, but once he whispers him to sell it on, the guy had already bought one/logged off etc.
Are there people that don't lack common sense?
Bait and switch. that's the name of the scam
Kamadan, AE2 today:
"Player ABC: WTB Crystal snowflake 100k + 200Ecto"
followed a little later by:
"Player XYZ: WTS Crystal snowflake 50ectos/zkeys"
Pathetic really. You may have noticed similar during these past few months as I know I've seen other weird "WTB"s of quest items here.
Don't fall for it.
sorry for 2nd thread. When I searched on crystal snowflake before I began there was nothing on forum.
"Player ABC: WTB Crystal snowflake 100k + 200Ecto"
followed a little later by:
"Player XYZ: WTS Crystal snowflake 50ectos/zkeys"
Pathetic really. You may have noticed similar during these past few months as I know I've seen other weird "WTB"s of quest items here.
Don't fall for it.
sorry for 2nd thread. When I searched on crystal snowflake before I began there was nothing on forum.
WOW !!!!!! sad....
Like most scams it can be avoided with a bit of common sense, if someone is selling something much cheaper than it's general value, then there is usually a catch or an intention to scam. Old saying of, "If it seems to good to be true, it probably is" generally applies to most things.
Other things like making sure you have a basic knowledge of items value when you're attempting to buy low/ sell high will really help as i can imagine the "Cheap" item being sold, isn't actually cheap.
Other things like making sure you have a basic knowledge of items value when you're attempting to buy low/ sell high will really help as i can imagine the "Cheap" item being sold, isn't actually cheap.
Teh Nox
wow thats not what i call "SCAM"..
just dont buy the flake
just dont buy the flake

Same guy again. Ive reported him and his mate/other account pulling the same scam over and over in Kamadan and Lions Arch. Not much seems to happen and he always starts doing it again in a matter of days.
That's quite a common tactic/scam. Most people who get caught in it think they bought it really really cheap anyway. Power trading, however good you are, has it's risks.
You know, it shouldn't be ANet's responsibility to handle scams. It's up to the individual, and if they get scammed, then oh well I suppose. Gold is easy to obtain and so is the knowledge of what a "scam" is and isn't.
As for this scam, it's absolutely pathetic. Not only is the quest item completely worthless (although it has sentimental value to me), but the method in which the scam is being conducted is also ancient.
As for this scam, it's absolutely pathetic. Not only is the quest item completely worthless (although it has sentimental value to me), but the method in which the scam is being conducted is also ancient.
Use your brains, don't waste Anet's time with other people's stupidity.
Whether or not gold is easy to obtain, etc. is not the issue. Sure, people should be aware of value of things and be careful when buying/selling/etc. But people like this are intentionally trying to scam. Anet should be aware of such people and punish them accordingly (which imo, could even go so far as a perma ban).
This is the second thread posted today about these crystal snowflake scams o.0
Sad people scam ¬_¬.
Sad people scam ¬_¬.
Wow I've never heard of that'd think the the buyer/seller would do some research first :I
Tell them you want to buy it, and put 200g instead of 200e, and hit accept.
For the lulz.
For the lulz.
Zodiac Meteor
Geez, if they wanna break game rules, go buy gold with $$$ and get your account stolen or better, banned.
/report spike in 3...2...1
/report spike in 3...2...1
actualy i don't feel sorry for anyone who falls for such a scam. greed is a killer and if you were decent enough you would tell the seller that he is selling for a lower price. but out of greed people will try to scam the poor guy by taking the item for a very low price just to sell it at very high price.
and there was a very smarter scam than this one which I fell for it back when the ectos started to fall below 5k. a guy at toa says he buys ectos at 5k ea. being a person who thinks he is very clever and knows the market price I gave him 2 ectos for 10k. as soon as i saw the 10 at the screen I quickly pressed accept before the guy changes his mind just to find out later that he only offered 10g. thank god that I only had 2 ectos at that time. rather than feeling angry I loled at my greed.
stop being greedy or you will learn to stop the hard way
and there was a very smarter scam than this one which I fell for it back when the ectos started to fall below 5k. a guy at toa says he buys ectos at 5k ea. being a person who thinks he is very clever and knows the market price I gave him 2 ectos for 10k. as soon as i saw the 10 at the screen I quickly pressed accept before the guy changes his mind just to find out later that he only offered 10g. thank god that I only had 2 ectos at that time. rather than feeling angry I loled at my greed.
stop being greedy or you will learn to stop the hard way

This scam is nothing new... Just the item varies...... still... quite pathetic attempt...
Not really a scam imho, the *scammee in this case is trying to get rich by playing the market, the *scammers just do the same thing right back to them 
'A Fool and Their Money Are Easily Parted' is a true saying here
*for want of a better term.

'A Fool and Their Money Are Easily Parted' is a true saying here
*for want of a better term.
It's only not a scam if there were such a market. It just plays on ignorance of the market, and, like you say, greed.
Puddin Cheeks
they are still doing it is as we speak, except now its spectral crystal for 100e + 300zkeys, lolz,
I posted and said i had one to sell him.
Mysteriously, he says he just bought one.
I posted and said i had one to sell him.
Mysteriously, he says he just bought one.
I... what. Just... how do the people who fall for this crap remember to breathe? Just when I think I've seen how dumb people can get in GW, ya gotta come and show me this *g*
Then again, this is Kamadan...
Then again, this is Kamadan...
Um i really dont see this as being a scam. If the buyer has any smarts at all they wouldnt go fo it. but there are some people out there who think that not all things should be sold at such a high price.(Me for example) we just sell them for a resonable price and get it sold rather than just sitting there spamming the same WTS over and over all day.
I say take it into your judgement If you need the item and it is selling cheap as part of these "scams" take advantage of it. otherwise let someone else buy it.
I say take it into your judgement If you need the item and it is selling cheap as part of these "scams" take advantage of it. otherwise let someone else buy it.
Um i really dont see this as being a scam. If the buyer has any smarts at all they wouldnt go fo it. but there are some people out there who think that not all things should be sold at such a high price.(Me for example) we just sell them for a resonable price and get it sold rather than just sitting there spamming the same WTS over and over all day.
I say take it into your judgement If you need the item and it is selling cheap as part of these "scams" take advantage of it. otherwise let someone else buy it. |
Copenhagen Master
I must agree stop wasting ANETS time with this crap if your dumb enough to fall for that trick then that is your loss. Anets needs more time to actually focus on other problems rather than you dumb mistake, and if that the first time then it a rookie mistake and learn from it
Um i really dont see this as being a scam. If the buyer has any smarts at all they wouldnt go fo it. but there are some people out there who think that not all things should be sold at such a high price.(Me for example) we just sell them for a resonable price and get it sold rather than just sitting there spamming the same WTS over and over all day.
I say take it into your judgement If you need the item and it is selling cheap as part of these "scams" take advantage of it. otherwise let someone else buy it. |
Voodoo Rage
Um i really dont see this as being a scam. If the buyer has any smarts at all they wouldnt go fo it. but there are some people out there who think that not all things should be sold at such a high price.(Me for example) we just sell them for a resonable price and get it sold rather than just sitting there spamming the same WTS over and over all day.
I say take it into your judgement If you need the item and it is selling cheap as part of these "scams" take advantage of it. otherwise let someone else buy it. |
The Air Revenger
im sorry but i think its a great idea, even if it is a scam you need to be pretty dum to buy it.
Martin Alvito
This scam was old in Diablo 2.
Hard to believe that anyone is still stupid enough to fall for this. Apparently Barnum was right.
EXTREMELY hard to believe that some of you don't believe that this is a scam. Any time you dupe someone into paying real money for something without value, it's a scam. There's a pretty clear line between people undercosting/overpaying for items (there are rational reasons to do this) and selling someone an item with no intrinsic value.
ANet has no responsibility to deal with scams, but their consistent policy of carebearing the community (eg: updating item pictures, supposedly "banning" scammers) leads much of the community to believe that ANet is responsible for solving these problems.
Hard to believe that anyone is still stupid enough to fall for this. Apparently Barnum was right.
EXTREMELY hard to believe that some of you don't believe that this is a scam. Any time you dupe someone into paying real money for something without value, it's a scam. There's a pretty clear line between people undercosting/overpaying for items (there are rational reasons to do this) and selling someone an item with no intrinsic value.
ANet has no responsibility to deal with scams, but their consistent policy of carebearing the community (eg: updating item pictures, supposedly "banning" scammers) leads much of the community to believe that ANet is responsible for solving these problems.
Being the good citizen you are, out them publicly on All Chat and be done with it. Really isn't a need to go crying to Anet, that they should do something to protect idiots from being idiots.
I've been doing this for ages. Yes, there are idiots who fall for it. No, there's nothing wrong with selling an item for an extremely high price.
Caveat emptor kids, ANet does nothing.
Caveat emptor kids, ANet does nothing.
Being the good citizen you are, out them publicly on All Chat and be done with it. Really isn't a need to go crying to Anet, that they should do something to protect idiots from being idiots.
Oone person, the good citizen, confronted the duo in allchat with their attempt to scam some newbie out of their money. I have never seen half of Kamadan turn that fast on one person trying to help:
-let them trade!
-if someone falls for that scam, it's their own fault!
-if someone wants to buy an Edge for 100k + 20 ecto, let them!
Next to the obvious swearing that is to be expected.
So honestly, don't expect the community to protect the innocent.