Is the UWSC Really worth it?
I am wondering is the UWSC really worth it i mean if you fail most groups make you pay the cons so is it really worth it becuz to a new person they are going to fail alot?
and if i might ask to thoses who already do it, How offen to you see a Voltic Spear or Eternal Blade drop?
and if i might ask to thoses who already do it, How offen to you see a Voltic Spear or Eternal Blade drop?
Ate of DK
I don't know anything about speedclears.. I can answer the other question.
I don't go that often to the underworld or fissure but I can assure you that I got a r12 Voltaic Spear and a r13 obsidian edge. Both from the Fissure chest during one of my latest runs. One was 2 weeks ago and the other 2 months ago.
I don't go that often to the underworld or fissure but I can assure you that I got a r12 Voltaic Spear and a r13 obsidian edge. Both from the Fissure chest during one of my latest runs. One was 2 weeks ago and the other 2 months ago.
Well, Chamber sin is very easy and failing at it is very hard,
But most of the sins require eotn skills etc, so it will take a while to get all the skills for the build, IMO it is worth it!
Good luck
But most of the sins require eotn skills etc, so it will take a while to get all the skills for the build, IMO it is worth it!
Good luck
Not worth it. If some bitch asks you to pay for cons, say no.
If you want to make money, scam.
If you want to make money, scam.
Shadow Slave
I often find myself with little else to do, so yep, it's worth it.
Easy, nice return - got an R9 Eternal after about 40ish runs (?) - Seen one other drop, and 1 Voltaic.
Study the roles - Wiki decent enough place to start - then learn by doing.
It appeals to me because Hero/Henching everywhere is boring - UWSC at least involves real people. I might stop when they /ressurect AB.
Easy, nice return - got an R9 Eternal after about 40ish runs (?) - Seen one other drop, and 1 Voltaic.
Study the roles - Wiki decent enough place to start - then learn by doing.
It appeals to me because Hero/Henching everywhere is boring - UWSC at least involves real people. I might stop when they /ressurect AB.
Eragon Zarroc
it is worth it if the group succeeds. pay 850 per person for shared conset, get back an ecto, diamond, uw scroll, two objects which have a chance to be uber rare. runs take under half hour if done right. pugging it though is annoying, 20min to find a group, 10min to start, 40 min in after using a backup celerity u fail, lol. can get annoying.
Rhiana Reborn
I don't do UWSC runs myself, but if the user above me is correct, 850 gold isn't a big investment for an average of 2 ectos/run (as seen in another thread somewhere around here.). If you're competent, you'll get AT least your money back each run - and an ecto will pay for another run, at least.
it is worth it if the group succeeds. pay 850 per person for shared conset, get back an ecto, diamond, uw scroll, two objects which have a chance to be uber rare. runs take under half hour if done right. pugging it though is annoying, 20min to find a group, 10min to start, 40 min in after using a backup celerity u fail, lol. can get annoying.

Again to thoses who do it what about FOWSC? is it worth it do you get good things from the FOW Chest that are worth doing the SC ?
No its not, Do balanced..
Yuna Matsumarui
i've been doing quite some UWSC, i find it worth the effort, though. never found something worth of value ( only get triple scrolls.. lol ) but the ectos are worth the trouble for me. depends on your PUG whether you're gonna fail or make it to the chest. make sure you collect, when someone doesnt know how much to pay kick him, he's obviously not [exp], also if the chamber sin walks back at the start of the UWSC, leave and go again with another chamber sin. i'd recommend starting as a vale sin. the luring is quite tricky when you do it for the first time, though vale is not a really popular area so you should be fine finding groups. + if you fail the necro/monk can res you. i'd recommend
for watching, really helpful. join a UWSC to get on a learning-run for areas you're not sure you won't fail on. and pay for cons when you fail, this makes the UWSC for others alot more fun. i've learned Vale by vids, and i taught chamber myself, by watching vids and wasting 3 consets before i realised i had to do the wall trick when luring the chamber creatures. lol. Pits is not hard either. hardest is probably either pools or mountains. plains is easy, but you have to know all other areas because you're their backup when they die.
hope this helps.
for watching, really helpful. join a UWSC to get on a learning-run for areas you're not sure you won't fail on. and pay for cons when you fail, this makes the UWSC for others alot more fun. i've learned Vale by vids, and i taught chamber myself, by watching vids and wasting 3 consets before i realised i had to do the wall trick when luring the chamber creatures. lol. Pits is not hard either. hardest is probably either pools or mountains. plains is easy, but you have to know all other areas because you're their backup when they die.
hope this helps.
WOO UWSR here I COME....
850 is cheep I think the price fell form 1K a while back
850 is cheep I think the price fell form 1K a while back
Loki Seiguro
As a frequent UW and Fow SCer I'd say it is worth it. My latest FOWSC was 35 min, fastest being 30min, but you can get less than that with a good group.
As for drops going as a solo sin in any of the runs seems more profitable to me (they get at elast 1-2 obo shards in fow alone) But it takes a while to learn how to do the soloing.
As for UW I prefer to be chamber sin because soloing there for me in anything but plains is too much for me to bother with. Don't ask why but I always die if I do anything else
bad luck I guess.
Chestwise, seen 2 obo edges drop, no votaic or eternal though. And I've always gotten at least 2 obo shards from end chest and 3 ecto per run in UW.
*Thinking of bringing my survivor RoJ monk to FoW as it is 100k exp per run with quests not including kills. Dagerous but I'd recommend it if you have a guild that does it a lot.
As for drops going as a solo sin in any of the runs seems more profitable to me (they get at elast 1-2 obo shards in fow alone) But it takes a while to learn how to do the soloing.
As for UW I prefer to be chamber sin because soloing there for me in anything but plains is too much for me to bother with. Don't ask why but I always die if I do anything else

Chestwise, seen 2 obo edges drop, no votaic or eternal though. And I've always gotten at least 2 obo shards from end chest and 3 ecto per run in UW.
*Thinking of bringing my survivor RoJ monk to FoW as it is 100k exp per run with quests not including kills. Dagerous but I'd recommend it if you have a guild that does it a lot.
I don't think uwsc is really worth it. It's something to do if you don't mind doing it, but if you have luck like mine you're probably better off doing something else. :P
Not sure where you're attempting to uwsc but it very rarely takes me more than 5 mins to find a group, and it's never taken 10 mins to start. o; After I do my job I usually go afk so I don't mind waiting if we have to use a backup. :]
Not sure where you're attempting to uwsc but it very rarely takes me more than 5 mins to find a group, and it's never taken 10 mins to start. o; After I do my job I usually go afk so I don't mind waiting if we have to use a backup. :]
This ^^
Who cares if you spend a couple of hours just to fail. Half, if not all of the fun in it should be just playing/ having a good conversation with friends on Vent or whatever. |
Call me paranoid, but I'm beginning to see a pattern here. And honestly? If people wanted to do it just for the enjoyment, sure, balancedway is good and stuff. But OP asked whether UW SC is profitable. Telling him to do balancedway instead,
2 ppl from GoE, 2 votes for balancedway...
Call me paranoid, but I'm beginning to see a pattern here. And honestly? If people wanted to do it just for the enjoyment, sure, balancedway is good and stuff. But OP asked whether UW SC is profitable. Telling him to do balancedway instead, WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Yes, it is profitible but only if you are lucky enough to recieve a valuable drop.
How is endless repetitive grind remotely fun? I guess I just don't understand how slaving can be fun...
Scythe O F Glory
I never understood why it's 850g.
8 people splitting 7k = 875 each.
But whatever, i save my 25g (unless I'm the one collecting)
8 people splitting 7k = 875 each.
But whatever, i save my 25g (unless I'm the one collecting)
Martin Alvito
Is it worth it? Depends on the distribution of the rare items from the chest, really. Average speed also matters.
If all you get back is two ecto for your 850g investment, and each run takes 30 minutes, then you're netting about 16k per hour.
Provide me some real data about the chest's drop rate distribution (and your success rate), and I can tell you more. I would guess that the chest is worth no more than two ecto per run - and that's an aggressive estimate. That would get you to 34k per hour if you never failed. Collapse that to once every twenty minutes and you're up to 51k per hour...but that rate isn't sustainable because replacing players takes time (especially if you want to crank out a run every 20 minutes) and because failure happens.
That's better than is otherwise available through normal farming, but there are more efficient ways to invest your GW time if all you want is money. Power trading, dungeon running, successful HA play, and seriously imba farms (when the devs inadvertently make them available) are all more efficient.
Of course, this ignores the problem of skill. The majority of UWSC players probably could not successfully power trade, dungeon run or farm the Halls chest, and are left with UWSC as the most efficient alternative available.
If all you get back is two ecto for your 850g investment, and each run takes 30 minutes, then you're netting about 16k per hour.
Provide me some real data about the chest's drop rate distribution (and your success rate), and I can tell you more. I would guess that the chest is worth no more than two ecto per run - and that's an aggressive estimate. That would get you to 34k per hour if you never failed. Collapse that to once every twenty minutes and you're up to 51k per hour...but that rate isn't sustainable because replacing players takes time (especially if you want to crank out a run every 20 minutes) and because failure happens.
That's better than is otherwise available through normal farming, but there are more efficient ways to invest your GW time if all you want is money. Power trading, dungeon running, successful HA play, and seriously imba farms (when the devs inadvertently make them available) are all more efficient.
Of course, this ignores the problem of skill. The majority of UWSC players probably could not successfully power trade, dungeon run or farm the Halls chest, and are left with UWSC as the most efficient alternative available.
Dr Strangelove
Balanced all the way. It'll take 90 minutes, maybe 2 hours tops, you'll almost certainly succeed, and you'll have a lot more fun doing it.
If the only thing you care about is making money, it's a hell of a lot faster to get a job as a fry cook and ebay it. Stupid, boring, and lame, but still faster.
If the only thing you care about is making money, it's a hell of a lot faster to get a job as a fry cook and ebay it. Stupid, boring, and lame, but still faster.
Balanced all the way. It'll take 90 minutes, maybe 2 hours tops, you'll almost certainly succeed, and you'll have a lot more fun doing it.
If the only thing you care about is making money, it's a hell of a lot faster to get a job as a fry cook and ebay it. Stupid, boring, and lame, but still faster. |
Guaranteed ~1500zkeys/month with that, with only a one time fee. =D
TAM philosophy fails.
UW SC stands for Under World SPEED CLEAR . If you want to spend 4 hours down there, only to fail when trying to do 4h, be my guest. |
No need to be so rude, lets not turn this into a flame thread please.
@OP: the highest rate of success is joining a guild that does UWSC regularly. With guildies you have a much higher rate of finishing. PUG's are often a pain.
When it comes to pure profitability, UWSC when you can get a decent team is much more profitable than balanced. Faster, more reliable at some points, a little less at others, and 875g is nothing...get one ecto or a few golds and it's paid for.
It might be more FUN to do it balanced, maybe...but that's not the question, is it?
It might be more FUN to do it balanced, maybe...but that's not the question, is it?
i would like to get an exp team for uwsc runs in hm. Yes you can make an excelent profit from it when people used to run dwo 55/ss runs in hm but not sure if it's the same now. If anyone is interested whisper me on
D A R K S O I F O N as I would be more then happy to join your team. Then again, if you get a good team for ha, you can make an very reasonable profit from halls as well.
D A R K S O I F O N as I would be more then happy to join your team. Then again, if you get a good team for ha, you can make an very reasonable profit from halls as well.
Divinity Sword
I gotta be honest, if you get a good team it's a good way to make cash... but it's really RARE to get a good team and 90% of the teams fail, take forever, and suck. I make a consistent amount of zkeys in JQ which I can trade for ectos later, to me that's a better way to do it anyway since I make faction too. As far as rare drops go, I've done a lot of runs and never had anything good drop for me lol.
I rarely ever pug anymore. Its friend list groups and guild groups all the way. Spend about 10 mins pm'ing peeps and getting 'em together in ToA, and after that, its like ~15 mins per run tops, no fails pretty much guaranteed.
People I run with do stuff like 9 min pits, 7 min wastes, 8 min pools, 10 min mtns etc...and we always do like 3-4 back to back every other day. Extremely fun IMO, particularly when you end up competing to get the fastest time for your area.
And seriously, at all you people saying to do it balanced way, did you not read OP? He asked if it was worth it, financially. He didnt ask if its fun. So stop derailing the thread.
People I run with do stuff like 9 min pits, 7 min wastes, 8 min pools, 10 min mtns etc...and we always do like 3-4 back to back every other day. Extremely fun IMO, particularly when you end up competing to get the fastest time for your area.

And seriously, at all you people saying to do it balanced way, did you not read OP? He asked if it was worth it, financially. He didnt ask if its fun. So stop derailing the thread.
The OP asked whether USCW is worth it. I'm guessing he was referring to profitability. In which case, UWSC > Balanced. End of discussion. Besides "fun" is subjective. Here's an example. Imo running balanced is not fun because it takes too long. See? subjective!
It is only worth it, if you enjoy it. I personally enjoy UWSC, Therefore in my opinion it is worth it. If you enjoy it, then its worth while, not only are you playing some thing you enjoy, you have the chance of attaining a rare drop.
If you mean is it worth while money wise ? Pay 850g each run, gain 1-2 ectoplasm each run, and chances of a rare drop, worth while then.
If you mean is it worth while money wise ? Pay 850g each run, gain 1-2 ectoplasm each run, and chances of a rare drop, worth while then.
Faraaz is bad and can't do wastes don't listen to him.
If you want to get a good group look for sins with FoW armor and chaos gloves. If the FoW is dyed black then they must be good.
If you want to get a good group look for sins with FoW armor and chaos gloves. If the FoW is dyed black then they must be good.
^ I hope you are joking
Its more likely they are going to vanquish whole waste or plains for you
Its more likely they are going to vanquish whole waste or plains for you
Loki Seiguro
Faraaz is bad and can't do wastes don't listen to him.
If you want to get a good group look for sins with FoW armor and chaos gloves. If the FoW is dyed black then they must be good. |
Um /sarcasm????? Armor means nothing not everyone will waste their fow armor on sup runs when they are completly wrothless. I play PvP a lot so I know how to deal out the dps with only minor runes.
And you can always buy fow and chaos gloves without haveing to farm for the mats, its called buying low sell high or finding a super rare item.
Well fyi...the guy who "flamed" faaraz is in LoD, yes? Well, at least last I knew, Faaraz was either in LoD, or still in the alliance thereof. Therefore the statement is probably quite sarcastic.
Btw, sup Mara. You probably have no clue who I am, but I was in LoD for a couple of months before I pretty much went inactive, and was in the guild while you were addicted to pug UWSC, back when UA was on every team, and we were doing well if we got under 20 min if we had a full guild team together. I think that was before the first shadow form nerf too. Good times....
And yeah...balanced at its best will take over an hour to do UW, so at the best it is 1/3th as profitable as a decent UWSC team (read: friends list or ally/guild groups). And this is assuming that the balanced group is not a PUG, but a guild/alliance or FL team, otherwise the balanced probably won't even make it.
Btw, sup Mara. You probably have no clue who I am, but I was in LoD for a couple of months before I pretty much went inactive, and was in the guild while you were addicted to pug UWSC, back when UA was on every team, and we were doing well if we got under 20 min if we had a full guild team together. I think that was before the first shadow form nerf too. Good times....
And yeah...balanced at its best will take over an hour to do UW, so at the best it is 1/3th as profitable as a decent UWSC team (read: friends list or ally/guild groups). And this is assuming that the balanced group is not a PUG, but a guild/alliance or FL team, otherwise the balanced probably won't even make it.
Amnel Ithtirsol
Faraaz is bad and can't do wastes don't listen to him.
If you want to get a good group look for sins with FoW armor and chaos gloves. If the FoW is dyed black then they must be good. |
To OP, I'd say yes, it's worth it in the long run. Just don't expect to become millions of ecto richer overnight. There are better ways of doing that, as already mentioned in this thread.
People can play how they want to, but balanced with your guild/ alliance really is more fun that the frustration of a lot of people you meet attempting speed clears.
Yes, it is profitible but only if you are lucky enough to recieve a valuable drop. |
Also, wtf??!?!! 40 runs?!?!? I've been doing speed clears for a solid two-three months (at one point I did nothing but speed clears for an entire week whenever I was on GW, which was about 5 runs a day) and I've gotten one r10 celestial compass, that's it. I've seen an eblade drop, but that was q12, and I've seen a vspear drop, but that was q13.