Hey im looking for a Underworld Speed clear teacher and maybe a terra fowsc teacher.
I can provide cons for each run, Have vent and a mic, and a form of payment if u want it, but yeah u can farm off the area with the cons I throw up so it might be a good deal for yeah because im on alot and can run it alot once I learn it. * Just let me know.
Wanting to learn at least 3 of the following:
Terra 1&2 *same skills just diff quests*
LF uwsc teacher
I can teach you any area in uw. (I would prefer not teaching mtns)
IGN: Dead is the Sin
IGN: Dead is the Sin
seventh ace
i dont mind showing u the speedway of any way ign the shadow medic
my price is free ill do this on my free time
except vale need 2 ppl for that =p shud b able to do 2-3 area a cons
my price is free ill do this on my free time
except vale need 2 ppl for that =p shud b able to do 2-3 area a cons
warrior running
i will teach chamber