Ok, so I decided to finish this quest off the other day. Problem is, when I get to N.O.X, my computer just freezes up (music stops aswell) and I have to restart my computer. It's happened everytime I tried yesterday (4 times) and today aswell (once). This problem has happened at a few other places (end of a Hidden City vanquish, start of a Hidden City vanquish, some other vanquish I forgot), but those were just a one off thing; I could go back and get them done without problems.
SCREENSHOTS! Those are some of the best ways of making your point
Feel free to use drawings and diagrams to illustrate your point, but please don't back up your argument with stick-figures.
I can't get screenshots because my computer freezes.
Your Server (Euro, American, etc)
Problem only occurs after I talk to the attendant guy and I get to the little area with Bokka and N.O.X. I can usually get to N.O.X before my computer freezes.
Were there people in your party? Could they see what happened?
H/H only.
After what update did you first notice it?
The first time it happened (end of a Hidden City vanquish) was last Sunday (March 8?) Also, when this quest first came out I tried this mission without problems (thought it'd be easy, didn't take it seriously, and wiped) but only now it seems to be freezing my computer.
Can you consistently reproduce it?
What did you do right before the error occurred?
It doesn't seem to matter. I waited in front of the attendant for 15 mins and had no problems, but when I talked to him and jumped into the mission my computer froze, same as it always did. Those other times it froze seemed to be random (they're annoying as hell, but not really a major issue).
Lastly, don't know if it matters or not, but I don't have TexMod or anything like that installed.
Thanks in advance.