Does Anet even ban botters anymore? Or have they ragequitted and left everything as is? Is everything to remain automated via the players' usage of the /report system?
Reason I ask is there're some botters over in the Random Arenas that've been reported an ungodly amount of times by me and many, MANY other players and yet... the botters... well.. REMAIN BOTTING! UNSCATHED!
Are those botters friends of someone on the Anet team? Is it an inside thing that these bots remain untouched by the ban hammer?
Everyone KNOWS full well that they bot! One particular botter (name removed) is now rank four (4) Deadly Gladiator and is ruining the sense in achieving the title because.. well, he's AFK and achieving the title!
I request that a representative or GM be directed to this thread and tell us why this guy is IMMUNE to being banned for CHEATING?
EULA: Does Anet even care anymore?
Regulus X
i know guru still cares about posting names in threads. plus how many more of these "are botters ever going to get banned" threads am i going to see
Don't post IGNs in a negative light; if you want to report someone, talk to Arenanet directly.
Also this isn't the rant forum, nor is it a place to request an Arenanet person to talk to you. Closed.
Also this isn't the rant forum, nor is it a place to request an Arenanet person to talk to you. Closed.