Originally Posted by Puebert
Its entirely game breaking.
Man, what was I thinking, I'm clearly an elitist prick because I can recognize a broken skill when I see it.
Any skill that allows you faceroll anything is not good. The "If you don't like it don't use it" argument has been shot down several times. The skill itself is the problem, not the people using it. If you honestly have fun pressing skills 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 while watching RoJ burn the shit out of everything, you are easily amused. That got old after about 10 seconds.
Where to start.
Game Breaking.... LOL.
Faceroll anything... LOL.
RoJ is a monk skill no perma SF sin uses a Monk secondary. To perma you have El or Mes, that's it end of story.
You can not go up against any foe with SF up don't believe me then just try the angorodons next to the Raptor nest. SF is not invincible it has weaknesses. Like all farming skills it has areas it can be used and areas it fails miserably.
As for being game breaking how exactly, economy wise we get free z-keys every month that can be sold most of the time for 100k, game play wise you can not run a SF build through normal game play it only works in certain areas, and farming wise there are still many different farming builds for Monks, Warrior, Els, Rangers, Necros, Dervish and Rits. The only professions I can't think of a framing build for is mesmers and paragons. Just like these other farming builds SF farmers have their areas where this skill shines. I know but the UW. Monks, Rangers, Necros and Els have farmed the UW and still can.
So SF is about as broken as the rest of the farming skills. It can not be used alone, like other farming builds SF needs other skills to keep it going. If it were broken then a player should only need it and some damage skills, but SF requires 2 other skills to maintain, sounds an awfully lot like the rest of the farming skills.
SF is fine in its current state, if anything they should buff it back to where it was before the last nerf.
Just so you all know where I stand I think they should also buff Ursan back to it previous glory.
If you guys are going to ask the few remaining programmers to take a look at things why not ask for more content, to buff other skills, new armor, fix existing clipping issues with old armor, something besides bellyaching about SF.
It is as simple as if you don't like it don't use it. Form up your own UW teams that exploit another profession’s skills to get through. Farm with some other profession, or if you are against farming then don't. I really don't see why most people get so wound up over farming, if you don't like it then don't do it. The people who do farm enjoy it they are playing the game they paid their money for how they enjoy it. If any of you don't enjoy farming then don't. If any of you don't enjoy UW clears with Sins then form up your own teams, seems to me there should be plenty of SF haters to party with from Guru.
The only real problem with SF is a small minority of GW players whining about it every other week in the fan forums.