My Little List for Seeking Service for:

Green Chiken

Green Chiken

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009

From California to Arizona

Hi all, heres a couple of things i would like to get done. Please leave ign, price, ande when your avaliable. thanks a bunch.

-LFR Destroyer Weapon to be Made

~i have not beat EotN so im looking for someone to craft some weaps for me
-Destroyer Healing Staff

-Runs Through EotN Missions

~Destructions Depth and the one after it please

-Run through UW to get Spider Pet

~speaks for itself~Got Spider Run for Free

Please leave ign, price, and when avaliabe. Please DO NOT pm me, il be busy either helping members or doing pvp stuff. thanks for viewing

Junizt Do Urden

Junizt Do Urden

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

The Netherland

Neumerian Technologists [AI]


Destroyer Healing Stuff 8k (you supply the materials)
Destructions Depths NM 6k
A Time for Heroes NM 3k

IGN Junizt Do Urden.
I can help you right now. Pm me quick



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2007

england (currently located on the south coast)


will do spider cap for you

IGN: payne storm

15k if you play along - will provide hero bars for you :P

hit me up if interested i'm on atm