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Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

Hello, i have few question
1. i checked many builds at the pvx site and i cant find build exactly for me :| so maybe you will help me choose ;] i looking for build for pve like fast killing, good dmg etc
2. which second class you preffer for me?
3. anyway which build you think is the best for pve? (i mean any farming etc)

Thank for Help..

Zodiac Meteor

Zodiac Meteor

Imma Firin Mah Rojway!

Join Date: Aug 2008

At the Mac Store laughing at people that walk out with anything.


Vanguard Spiker Mainly used for casters, but it's deadly. Blind always equals good build with this skill lets not forget my favorite



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Kindred Order of Souls [KOS]


Check the sticky. We can't tell you what you like, and different builds are needed for different things.

A good secondary would be Warrior.



Bad Romance

Join Date: May 2006

Aussie Trolling Crew HQ - Grand Matron


Please read the stickies before posting -

3. Asking for Builds

Please refrain from posting simply asking for other users to post builds for you. We cannot keep posting builds until we find one to your liking. Please post your own build so that we have an idea of what you're trying to achieve and help you improve it. Moreover, many specimen builds can be found in the stickied profession guides at the top of each profession sub-forum, if you really need that much help in starting a build.