19 Mar 2009 at 14:53 - 1
for the following Guideline Violation: Universal Tournament Rules, under the section titled "Player/Guild Responsibilities
Champion Point Farming - 17 March 2009 There have been ongoing questions among players about Champion Point farming and whether it's against the rules. We view Champion Point farming as against the provisions in the Universal Tournament Rules, under the section titled "Player/Guild Responsibilities". Organized movements to farm Champion Points are an example of match manipulation because players and guilds are not competing and playing in good faith. If reported to us, we will investigate, and if we find evidence that supports the reports, we will take action, up to and including permanently banning the players and/or guilds involved. A first offense may result in a temporary ban. Further infractions may result in permanent bans for the players and/or guilds involved.
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25 Mar 2009 at 18:26 - 2