Loading proble, plz help!!
Hey guys Well, when i want to run Guild Wars, the window opens and it says "Repairing Data Archive" instead of the percent loaded...I don't know what that should mean but plz help
It's just an annoyance that happens occasionally - I've been getting it a fair bit myself lately.
One possible cause is your computer shutting down while gw.dat is being written to - we think - nobody's really sure what causes this.
If it persists, it might be time to delete your gw.dat and make yourself a new one, using the tried-and-trusted (albeit time-consuming) -image method.
One possible cause is your computer shutting down while gw.dat is being written to - we think - nobody's really sure what causes this.
If it persists, it might be time to delete your gw.dat and make yourself a new one, using the tried-and-trusted (albeit time-consuming) -image method.
It means your GW.dat file is corrupted. Either try running GW again with the -repair switch or delete and reinstall.
Well, i tried to reinstall, but this didn't change that problem, otherwise ill try that "-repair" method or "-image", so thank you very much
The "-repair" method said, insert disc 1., the image one, had to load 77k files :P
-repair only fixes registry entries, apparently. Using it unnecessarily can cause Windows to "think" that GW is no longer installed.
The -image one WILL entail you downloading a huge amount of files - somewhere around 3.5 Gigabytes of data. It's best to do this as an overnight download if your internet connection is not that fast - mine is ~6Mb/s and it can do a full .dat in an hour or so (did it a few days ago.)
The -image one WILL entail you downloading a huge amount of files - somewhere around 3.5 Gigabytes of data. It's best to do this as an overnight download if your internet connection is not that fast - mine is ~6Mb/s and it can do a full .dat in an hour or so (did it a few days ago.)
Elder III
-image will take about 6 hours on basic lvl DSL..... good luck with it - it's worth the time and has always worked in my exp.
Thank you all!! Appreciate ur help