I am not really sure how to even really sure if this has been answered. Even if I searched it I wouldn't even know what to enter in the search bar to find it.
Anywho, I find it irritating trying to find people who want to buy and sell using the drop-down trade filter. I was wondering why not have another filter to it saying selling and buying. Wouldn't this be a great Idea for the average GW player? With this there will be less confusion.
Just so you guys know. I do know what WTSell WTbuy is if questions arise from it. However, those 3-characters limit the amount of words you are trying to convey.
WTS and WTB issues. Suggestion
Eragon Zarroc
this sounds like an excellent idea. have 2 sub sections in the trade section, one for buying, one for selling. easy implementation and it would cut in half the amount of stuff people would have to look through if they want to buy or sell something
Anywho, I find it irritating trying to find people who want to buy and sell using the drop-down trade filter. I was wondering why not have another filter to it saying selling and buying. Wouldn't this be a great Idea for the average GW player? With this there will be less confusion.
Do you want a separate section for those people buying and another for those selling instead of just a trading section where WTS and WTB is mixed based on when posted?
Perhaps there could be a way to sort alphabetically in the trade section WTB's and WTS's. When I have something to sell I will usually look for someone that wants to buy first. Would be a nice touch to separate them. However the current method is servicable.
either way /signed since my eyes are not as good as they used to be.
[QUOTE=Mia Wynd;4543507 It is constantly moving so I always lose my spot! It would be great to be able to read more text somehow. .[/QUOTE]
I have to concur with Mia below....an option to hold that thing in place would be nice also.
I agree. It is overwhelming when scrolling through the trade box in Kamaden. It is constantly moving so I always lose my spot! It would be great to be able to read more text somehow. People aren't very good about putting all the info in the space provided, i.e. WTS something something and.....
And what? You have to pm them to get all the info. It is a waste of time. Maybe a weapons section, tome section, etc.
And what? You have to pm them to get all the info. It is a waste of time. Maybe a weapons section, tome section, etc.
I agree, though what we have now is better than what we had before.
I tend to think that an "auction house" would be a better system all together for removing all the trade clutter.
You want a sword.. you go to the "marketplace" and see what's available at the "weapon store." You want to sell a monk tome... you go to the "marketplace" and consign it to the "bookseller" etc.
I tend to think that an "auction house" would be a better system all together for removing all the trade clutter.
You want a sword.. you go to the "marketplace" and see what's available at the "weapon store." You want to sell a monk tome... you go to the "marketplace" and consign it to the "bookseller" etc.
This has been suggested before along with the suggestion of have WTB one color and WTS another color so that people could easily see the differences.
But at this point not really expecting anything
But at this point not really expecting anything
Suggested (with some slight variation) numerous times before.